Chapter 5

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Mike had convinced Alex to rejoin the table when he was ready. To take as much time as he needed. Alex had the phone again and decided to turn it on again. Maybe the people on the other end could help him. He slightly doubted it.
As he looked it over again for the hundredth time that night, something came back to him.
"Uncle Ian," he whispered. He began to cry. Things were coming back very suddenly for him. He felt like he was getting assaulted by a past he couldn't remember. Alex began to remember what happened to his uncle. He had been killed while working in the field. The death had thrown Alex into a world he didn't want to be in. He couldn't remember what that world was.
Something crashed outside his room. He could hear Mike telling Kelly to get the girls out. Alex wiped his eyes and went to the door. Peering out, he saw a bunch of men combing through the house. Two of them were with Mike. Alex backed away as they came towards his room.
The door burst open. The man now standing in front of Alex recognised him.
"Cub," Ben said. Alex was relieved to see him but he still stayed away from him.
"Don't hurt Mike. He and his family have nothing to do with this," Alex begged.
"Don't worry. We're bringing the lot of you in for protection. We think Scorpia will attack soon," Ben reported.
"No. They can't find me here. They'll hurt them," Alex couldn't keep the fear out of his voice. Ben nodded and guided Alex out of the house.
Mike and his family were sitting in a van. Alex was relieved they were okay.
"What's going on?" Nora asked.
"It'll be okay. We're going somewhere safe," Alex said. He hoped that was back to England.

They had been taken to a field a few hours away from East Nashville. A plane was waiting for them. Alex helped get the girls onto the plane.
"Where are we going?" Alex asked Ben.
"We've told the CIA the situation. The Donehey's are taking a vacation to England for a while. Everything has been taken care of," Ben replied.
"What? You're just gonna uproot us and take us to another country?!" Kelly asked. She was in shock.
"Don't worry, Mrs Donehey, we've arranged for you stay in London. Chelsea to be more specific. And we've arranged for your girls to attend a school there too. You're in good hands," Ben replied. It seemed to calm her down.
"We're going to Chelsea?" Alex asked. Hearing what Ben had said sparked more memories to come back. Alex was starting to get a headache from it all coming back rather quickly.
"You're going home, Alex."

When the plane touched down Alex was happy. He was home at last.
Waiting for them was a woman with unruly red hair. Alex smiled and almost ran up to her. They greeted each other with a hug.
"Jack," he said. He was close to tears.
"Oh, Alex, I was worried sick," she replied with her American accent.
"So you're Jack?" Mike asked.
Jack pulled away from Alex. "That's me."
"We took care of Alex while he was in America. Eisley and I found him and we took him in," Mike said.
"Thank you. Alex, is it true?" Jack asked. Alex nodded. He didn't need to ask what she meant. Ben surely had reported everything to MI6. And they had told Jack everything.
"I have gained some things back. I remember having to fake my own death," Alex said. Jack hugged him again. That's when Mrs Jones came up to them.
"We had to move ahead with the plan earlier than expected. Scorpia knew we were keeping an eye on him. It seems they wanted Alex to forget. They didn't count on him gaining it back on his own though. And the reason you're here is so we can better protect you. They will come after anyone with involvement with Alex. So naturally we had to bring you and your family here," she said. The last part was directed at Mike.
"What's Scorpia?" Mike asked.
"They're a dangerous organisation of ex spies," Mrs Jones explained.
"I ruined their plans a couple of times. Once when they were going to kill the children of London and again when they were going to blow something up. That parts still blurry," Alex butted in.
"Are you a spy?" Mike asked.
"That's classified," Alex said.
"We should get you lot settled in. You'll be staying with Alex in Chelsea. The house is big enough for everyone and we can keep a closer eye on everyone there," Mrs Jones said. She led them to another van waiting for them.
Alex seemed happy. He was back in England and, even though he was remembering everything all at once, he was smiling.
"You haven't smiled like that since March," Jack commented.
"I know. I can't help it. I've been here before and it's like I'm looking at it all again for the first time," Alex replied.

When they pulled into the driveway, Alex had started tearing up. It seemed like all the memories were beginning to stress him out again.
Mike tried to comfort him, but it didn't seem to work.
"I spent 14 years here," Alex said. "In the past year there were times I thought I wouldn't come home, but I did."
"Is this getting to be too much?" Mike asked.
Alex took a deep breath. "It's starting to slip again. Jack, I can't remember who I lived with before."
"Alex, are you sure?" Jack asked. Worry written all over her.
"I can't remember again," Alex confirmed what everyone overlooked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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