Chapter 4

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Abigai's Pov

I don't see anyone. The white walls are stained with yellow and the power is shut off but the flickering gives it some creapy effect. What the heck is going on!

As I reach the reseptionists desk I look through the clip board to see if Sam's name and room number, which turns out to be room 53 on the third floor. Fuck my life!

I know the electricity is out and the elevators are shut down so the thing left for me is to take the damn stairs.

I can hear the cracking noice from my ribs and ecos of my footsteps. Once I reach room 53, I see blood smears outside the door. "SAM!" I cry out in panic as I barge into the room only to see her with a razor.

I snatch it from her and she bursts into tears. Her makeup and her curly brown ringlets are everywhere.

"Abby. Oh, Abby!" Sam's carmel doe eyes shine in disblief. "I thought you died!"

"Shhh its okay. Im here." I coo to her as she clutches my arms.

"I tried to stop them, I really did and...I failed. They took James, Abby, they took him... Oh god its all my fault." Sam sobs.

"Sam, you did all you could. Lets just get out of here." She knods and we leave.

"Where are we?" Sam asks as we look around. " It looks like an abandon hospital. "

I couldn't help but agree with her. Every thing looked old to the technology, to the texture of furniture.

"I don't know." I frown.

As we reach outside, there was nothing around us but trees and dirt. All of a sudden we here talking. "Hide," I comand Sam as we duck behind a tree. Two men come strolling around. One was big with jet black hair and the other had blond. It make out there eyes because the sun is not up yet but I do know that its too early in morning.

"I can't  believe you weren't watching them!" The one with jet black hair yells to the blond. His voice is deep and it rumbles with fury. "He is gonna kill you... and then ME!"

"How was I supposed to know they would run off?" The big, muscled blond says.

"We put you there because they were going to wake, you Dimwit!" I see the one with black hair smack the blond behind the head.

I had to cover my mouth from making any noise. I know Sam is having a hard time too.

"They couldn't of gone far." The black hair dude says and pulls out keys. "We'll take our cars. If you see them knock them out and drag them back here. Chris, still has plans for the girl."

They leave us confused but they know something.

"Sam, we have to follow them." I say, but Sam shakes her head no.

"Abby look at US! You are barely able to walk, I'm tired, and you can't even help James if were dead." Sam exclaims with irritation.

I agree with Sam eventually and we walk the opposite way those men did.


We come to a small town called, Elmswood. "Have you ever heard of this place?" Sam asks as she clutchs my arm for comfort.


"Sam lets take some clothes and lets wash up." I say as I look down to see burn holes and blood stains all over my clothes... Sam's werent any better.

We go into a back yeard and find clothes on a hanging wire.



"I look ridiculous. " Sam whines.

Shes dressed in an old ladys dress that's pink and flowery but at least its something.

"Well beggars can't be choosers." I shrug nonchantly. I was in a pair of men shorts that went passed my knees and an over grown blue shirt that I tucked in the shorts. We was our faces with old soapy water that was still left out.

After we finish, we start to walk around a bit because no one was up beside servants and famers.

People didn't give us questioning stares which was weird. They just ignored us like it was normal to see two 18 year old walking around with old people clothes and bandages all over. We must be a sight to behold I think, grumbling to myself.

"Wow, everything seems old fashion here." Sam says in amazement as I knod.

"The Golden Arch Motel." Sam reads out loud." Open 24 hours."

Well we have nothing to loose." I say as I grab her arm and drag her to the  motel. The bell chimes as we walk through the door.

"Hello miss, What can I help you with this fine morning?" A younge male receptionists asks me, looking me and Sam up and down with a raised brow.

"Just a one bed room. " I say irritated as I slap money on the desk that I found in the pockets of my shorts and take the keys. This morning is definitely not "fine" at all.  Going to room 3, we are welcomed with grey walls and a bed with maroon colored blankets.

"Lets, rest." Sam says with a sigh as she drops to the bed like a sack of potatoes.

Sweet MisfortuneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora