Losing My Innocence.

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He Took it. He took something I Cherished. My innocence. Was it the best thing or the worst?

Mia's 16 she's what you'd call a goody good that quiet beautiful girl who had a lot ahead in her future she was smart basically the whole package a boy wanted. Only problem was she was innocent she had no idea about being bad or doing the opposite of what she was told. What happens when the 'bad Boy' Falls for her will she lose her innocence? Or help him get his back?


Rays 18 he's what you call a bad boy a thug he mixes with the wrong people does things he's not meant to do, even though he's smart and he can get somewhere in life he chooses the other direction. He starts his 3rd high school since he was expelled from his old one he meets Mia and falls for her beauty problem is Mia's innocent & ray plans on changing that getting her in his 'business' will he change Mia? For the best or good?

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