New member

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3rd person POV

Location: Crescent Café


"Hey Aera? I forgot that I have a meeting with some friends now. Is it okay if you look over the shop for me for a while? I promise I'll be back soon." Hongjoong said after hanging off the phone.

"Sure, why not? There's not much people here anyways." Aera replied.

"Thanks. I'll get going now!" Hongjoong said.


After Hongjoong left, Aera began scrolling her phone since not much customers were in the store. She was starting to get bored after scrolling Instagram for half an hour, until someone called her name and she looked up. She saw Younghoon, Juyeon, Hyunjae, Eric and Sunwoo standing in front the counter.

"Hey Aera? Can we talk to you about something?" Sunwoo said nervously while playing with his fingers.

"Oh okay. You guys can sit near the window. I'll be there soon. You guys want any drinks?" Aera asked while taking off her apron.

"Um no thanks. We'll get going after we finish talking." Younghoon said.


They later sat down and start to talk.


"So, what's up? Do you need help with something?" Aera asked.

"We have a war between gangs coming up and we want your help." Eric said.

"We also came to ask if you want to join our gang. Since you're very talented in hacking, we want you to be in our gang so we could eliminate Golden Child plus their allies and grow stronger." Juyeon added.

Aera stayed silent and thought for a while.

"It's okay to say no though. It could be really dangerous once you're involved in the mafia world." Younghoon said.

She waited for a while and said, "Yes. I will join your gang."

"Are you sure? There's no going back." Sunwoo asked.

"Yes. I'm sure. I have nothing to do nowadays, and I've wanted to join a gang since I was 16. I'll accept your offer." Aera said while smiling. "But can you tell me a little bit about the mafia world? I'm clueless about it." She added.

"Ah same as Sangyeon hyung. He also reminded me to tell you about it." Juyeon chuckled.

"So, when you first join the gang, you must go through basic training. You'll train in five different categories: Combat, Melee weapons, Sniping, Shooting, and Throwable weapons. After you trained for a period of time and passed the test which will be given to you at the last lesson of your training, you're in. You're also going to be tattooed after you pass, so it signals that you are a member of our gang. You'll will be given two, since you're one of the main members. It will be done by Kevin." He added.

"In the mafia world, no one plays fair. Everyone plays dirty. Do not trust anyone you see or meet. Once you participate in mafia activities, you need to be on guard 24/7. You can be killed by enemy gangs anytime." Eric said.

"You'll be trained by us, since you're not like the others. You'll also move in with us, and we live in our HQ." Younghoon said.

"Okay sure. I'll pack my stuff and meet you here tomorrow morning? I'll give you my phone number in a moment." Aera asked.

"Sure. Welcome to The Boyz." Hyunjae said and they all smirked.

Hacker of the moon | ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora