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It's now day time and the boat bumps into sand and Moana who was asleep wakes up with a groan. "We're here. See, I told you, we can do it." Moana said. You and Moana jump up and get on what looks to be a tiny island and then notices that right in front of you wasn't Te Fiti but your home. "Motunui. We're home?" You asked. The tree next to you disintegrates causing you to gasp in shock and to jump back towards Moana. "Moana, (Y/n)..." is heard from the voice of your dad. "Dad..." Moana said. "Moana, (Y/n)..." your mother's voice is also heard. "Mom..." you said. You and Moana see your parents running to the shore from a bunch of trees as your home is starting to turn to ash. They crouch down and Tui is trying to shield Sina from the ash.You and Moana freeze up in horror and tears start to form in your eyes."Help..." Tui says. "No." You and Moana shout as the wind is blowing very violent and the ash is building up even more around them. "Moana, (Y/n)!..." Moana jumps awake, which lets up know that it was all a nightmare. "Moana, are you okay?" You asked her. "Uh... Yeah. I'm fine, (Y/n)." She said. You raised an eyebrow, but let it go. "Enjoy your beauty rest?" Maui asks from where he's standing. You glared at Maui. "You know a real wayfinder, never sleeps. So they actually get what they need to go." Maui said. There's then a shadow that loomed over them and it turned out to be a giant towering rock.

"Muscle up butter cups. We're here." Maui said. "You sure this guy's gonna have your hook?" You asked. "Tamatoa...oh he'll have it. He's a scavenger, collects stuff, thinks it makes him look cool. And for Tomatoa, trust me, my hook is the coolest collectible." Maui said. Maui gives Hei Hei some food as he docks the boat. "And he lives up there?" Moana asked. She cranes her neck as she looks up to the top of the rock. "Oh, no, no, no...That's just the entrance. To Lalotai." Maui said. You gasped. ""Lalotai?! Realm of Monsters?!" Moana asked. "We're going to the Realms of Monsters?" Moana asked, calmer this time. "Ha ha, we? No me. You two are gonna stay here with the other chicken." Maui said. Then made a mocking chicken noise. Maui is laughing to himself as you and Moana look at him to Hei Hei and back again. You and Moana glared at Maui. "That's what I'm talking about, give me some..." Maui is talking to the tattoo Mini-Maui again. "Come on, that was a good one, how do you not get it. I called them chickens, and there's a chicken on the boat. I know they're humans, but that's not...You know... forget it. Forget it, I'm not explaining it to you. What? Cause then it's not funny." Maui said. Maui having already got up really far on the rock when you and Moana suddenly shows up near him, also climbing. Maui stares at you two slightly shocked and annoyed. "So...daughters of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things." Maui said.

You who had passed him looked down glaring not really happy about that comment. "Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send How do I phrase this? You two." "Our people? Didn't send us, the ocean did." You said. "The ocean...makes sense, you two are what? Eight? Can't sail. Obvious choice." Maui said. "It chose us, for a reason." Moana said. "If the ocean so smart. Why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself." You and Moana pause to think about this question. "Or bring me my hook. The ocean's straight up kookydukes. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you two. You're the chosen ones." You two finally reache the top, and she then looks out to the ocean as the wind is blowing in her hair. "The ocean chose us for a reason." You said. "If you start singing, I'm ganna throw up." Maui says causing Moana to grown. "So, not seeing entrance." She said. "Yes, because it only appears after a human sacrifice." Maui says with a serious look. You and Moana gasped. "Kidding, Ha..ha..ha...So serious." He blows the dust away and a carving of a face is reviled and Maui then begins to chant. Maui leaps into the sky and after he lands back down on the stone a door is then opened and a tunnel is shown to down below. "Do not worry, it's a lot far down there than it looks." Maui jumps down the tunnel. After a few minutes he yells, "I am still fallingggggggggggg!" A couple seconds later a splash of water is heard. "We can do this." Moana said. You look at her and nod. "Yeah." You said. She grabbed your hand. "Go!" She shouted. Moana leaps down with you, the door closing after. You and Moana go feet first, into a swirling deep blue water, and keep going downwards. Maui is seen suddenly breaking through the water. He grabs a vine, does a flip and then lands on the ground on his feet.

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