Chapter one

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"Morning Derek." Stiles said, as he took another bite of his toast. "Morning babe." Derek replied, placing some more bread in the toaster.

Derek was in just his sweatpants, no shirt, no socks. Just grey sweatpants. Stiles also had his sweat pants on and a grey T-shirt.

"I better get ready. I've got school in less than twenty minutes." Stiles said, gently placing his plate into the dishwasher.

Derek nodded and walked into the living room, as Stiles jogged upstairs to get ready.

Stiles came back downstairs ten minutes later and was ready to go. Derek was sat on the sofa with his feet up on the footrest, watching Teen Wolf.

"Okay, I'm gonna set off now Derek. Love you." Stiles walked over to the sofa and gave Derek a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Bye bye." Derek pouted, as Stiles walked out of the door to his blue jeep in the driveway.

Derek was looking through his phone and started looking through his contact list. He saw Scott's name and clicked on it. Ugh. Scott. He was always getting in the way of their relationship, always complaining that Stiles spent all his time with Derek.

Derek decided to send a message —a warning —to Scott.

'Keep your dirty little werewolf hands off of Stiles. Okay?! If I find out you've been trying to flirt with Stiles, or even touch him, I will find you. And I will rip your throat out, with my teeth. Understand?!'

Derek sighed and went through the pictures on his phone of him and Stiles. Most of them were of Derek and Stiles in Paris, kissing by the Eiffel tower. Soon after, he locked his phone and continued to watch Teen Wolf.

After about two minutes, Derek's phone buzzed. He unlocked it and he had a message, so he opened it.

It was from Scott.

'I'm not gonna flirt with him or...touch him. He's my best friend, not my boyfriend. Plus, I'm not gay. I'm getting sick of your threats, Derek.'

Derek nodded, even though no one could actually see him, and put his phone onto his lap and clicked the next episode of Teen Wolf.

After school Stiles came home at about 4:00pm. "Where were you?" Derek asked, as Stiles walked through the door. "Oh I had a detention. Don't worry about it baby." Stiles replied softly.

Derek nodded slightly, but didn't say anything. "We need to go to the store." Derek changed the subject.

"Yeah I know. We'll go now, come on." Stiles picked his keys back up and they left the house.

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