Chapter Five

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Gabriel should have known better than to leave for so long. He had rushed home as soon as he had gotten a call from the police. Something about a violent trespasser. The suspect was in custody. There was police tape surrounding his mansion when he arrived and several of his employees were standing around, worry clearly etched on their faces.

An officer caught up with him and filled him in on the details. An armed man was caught inside the home by the house staff. He attempted to escape but was outnumbered and detained. No one present was hurt but there was blood found on the floor.

And his son was missing.

Gabriel glanced over to the police car where the suspect sat waiting. A man in diving gear. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what his motive was. But he wasn't sure how Adrien was involved. If it turned out to be his son's blood that the police found, he'd make sure that the man would never see the light of day again.

The police finished taking statements from all of the witnesses and did a final sweep of the mansion before leaving. They made no mention of the tank so Gabriel could only surmise that the mermaid was gone. Perhaps he could consider that a blessing. He didn't need the police snooping around in his business.

"Mr. Agreste," His head butler approached him as he began to make his way inside his home.

"Tell me what happened." Gabriel said coldly, not stopping once to look at the man. The butler wrenched his hands worriedly.

"At around 4AM, we heard some loud sounds, like gunshots. Most of the staff had been awoken because of it and we went to find the cause." As they stepped through the front door, the butler motioned over to the bottom of the staircase. "I was standing right there when Adrien rushed by. He had a girl I'd never seen before with him. The two fled through the front door." He looked down to the floor at the blood that was still there. "I'm not sure whether this blood is hers or his." He said grimly. "The assailant appeared shortly after, with a gun in his hands. He threatened us but a couple of the workers were able to apprehend him."

Saying that Gabriel was angry was putting it lightly. Without another word to the butler, he stalked off towards Emilie's room. He needed to make sure she was okay. He entered the room to see the head scientist pacing back and forth, clearly distraught. But Emilie looked fine. If he remembered correctly, there were still a few doses of serum left so there was no need to be concerned yet. Unless the diver stole them. He questioned the scientist, and confirmed that their supply was untouched.

"We'll find the mermaid. Continue with the treatment." Gabriel ordered. The scientist looked at him, looking even more distressed than the butler did about Adrien being missing.

"I'm not sure that would be a good thing." The man said nervously. The impatience on Gabriel's face was very clear now and it propelled the scientist forward to the foot of the bed. He hesitantly lifted the blanket off of Emilie.

Gabriel froze at the sight of scales forming on her legs. A million questions ran through his mind, asking how something like this could have possibly happened. Though he knew the answer was simple. He had been so confident his plan was working. For weeks, she was recovering with no adverse effects, so he assumed the mermaid's blood was safe. But now, this monstrous side effect was choosing to rear its ugly head.

"What should we do?" The scientist asked.

Gabriel's surprise slowly turned into a simmering anger. He was going to find that mermaid, and he was going to squeeze the answers out of her.

"Continue the treatment." He repeated. Emilie was going to wake up, scales or not.

The next task at hand: find Adrien and the mermaid before the cops do.

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