chapter twelve

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chapter twelve:: other side

I jumped up suddenly from my pillow, my body hot as sweat drips down my face, "Mama!" I yelled, "Mama!" Within seconds my mom rushed into my room, concern written all over her face.

"Dawn, what's wrong?" She asked, coming over to me before examining me when she sat next to me, "Is it happening again?" I silently nod, on the brink of tears as she pulled me into a tight hug. Once I felt her arms wrap around me, I let my tears flow down my cheeks, my body sinking into hers. She began to rub my back to comfort me, "It's okay, baby. It's okay, I'm here."

"It was awful, mama," I sobbed, my words muffled by our hug, "I- I was surrounded by fire. I could feel it-" I cried harder by the thought of it, my body growing tense.

It was rare for me to get these dreams, but when I did, they were nothing but mortifying. I would be in the spirits body, feeling what they felt, even though I didn't know who they were. I would feel all their pain, their fear, and their soon death.

"Shh," She cooed, "It's going to be alright." I felt her hold me tighter because she knew I needed it. Whenever this happens, she would hold me like letting go would cause her to lose me forever, even when my body is relaxed and I'm finally calm. "Just think about your audition tomorrow, okay? Just think of that, Dawn."

I nodded before we sat there quietly, though the only thing you could hear was me sniffling after a few minutes of pulling myself together. She pulled away slightly and moved the strands of my hair that was stuck to my forehead from my sweat before she wiped that away too with her thumb, "Do you want to contact your father?"

I quickly shook my head and she nodded in understanding, needing no explanation. I didn't want him seeing my like this. I let out a shaky breath, but look up to see Alex, Reggie and Luke standing by my window, all of their faces drawn with confusion and concern. I quickly wipe away my tears with the back of my hand, "I just... I just want to be alone right now, mama."

She nodded again, "Okay, I'll leave you. I'm going to make you some chamomile tea, alright?"

"Okay," I hummed and she hesitantly stood from my bed, but looked down at me before I give her a small smile, "I'm okay, I promise." She smiled back before leaving my room and closing the door.

I then looked at the guys, bringing my knees to my chest and watching them stand awkwardly. Reggie was the first to come over to me and sit at the edge of my bed, a frown on his face, "Dawn, what happened?"

I shrugged, letting out a dry laugh, "Nothing, just the average life of a teenage medium." No one laughed as they still held their expressions, so I sighed, "I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about, I just had this really bad dream."

"This happens a lot?" Alex asked me and I nodded, pushing my hair behind my ears.

"It happens once in a while, but yeah," I told them, but quickly moved on, "What did you guys want to tell me?"

"Uh," Luke paused, looking at the boys before at me, "We're playing the Orpheum tonight."

I smiled, "Wow, that's great! I'm happy for you guys."

"Yeah, but the thing is if we play, we might do our unfinished business," Reggie told me, sulking, so I furrowed my brows.

"Why am I the only one that seems happy about this?" I asked them and they all glanced at each other.

"Because this means if this show is what we're supposed to do, then we're passing on maybe," Alex explained, "And we won't be around like always."

"Yeah, but I still get to see you guys, remember?" I reminded them, "I can still summon you and stuff."

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