Chapter 7: Smaug

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Balin: It's too high. There's no chance that way.
Thorin: It's our only chance. We'll have to try.
[Thorin slowly leads them]
Thorin: Come on.
[suddenly a coin drops the sound echoing, Thorin looks back at Bilbo who then looks up to see Smaug moving above them and the coins stuck to his body are falling down, Thorin indicates for them to move as Smaug is not aware of their presence]
[at Bard's house Tauriel finishes dressing (y/n) wound; to Fili as they watch Tauriel]
Oin: I've heard tale of the wonders of elvish medicine. That was a privilege to witness.
[ (y/n) looks deliriously at Tauriel]
(Y/n): Tauriel.
Tauriel: Lie still.
Kili: You cannot be her. She is far away. She...she is far, far away from me. She walks in starlight in another world. It was just a dream.
[he touches her hand]
(Y/n): Do you think she could've loved me?
[Tauriel looks at him not knowing how to answer]
[as they run towards the western guard room inside the mountain]
Thorin: Stay close.
[as they enter the room they stop when they notice the decaying corpses of their kin]
Dwalin: That's it then. There's no way out.
Balin: The last of our kin. They must've come here, hoping beyond hope.
[there's a pause as they all stare at the corpses in shock]
Balin: We could try to reach the mines. We might last a few days.
Thorin: No. I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath.
[he turns to face the company]
Thorin: We make for the forges.
Dwalin: He'll see us, sure as death.
Thorin: Not if we split up.
Balin: Thorin, we'll never make it.
Thorin: Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.
[as he leads Bilbo and Balin to the forges]
Thorin: This way!
[suddenly Smaug comes upon them]
Smaug: Flee! Flee! Run for your lives! There is nowhere to hide.
[suddenly Ori, Dori and Bombur come up behind Smaug]
Ori: Behind you!
Dori: Come on!
[Smaug turns to attack them]
Dori: Run!
[as Smaug is distracted by them suddenly Dwalin and Nori come up behind him from another direction]
Dwalin: Hey, you! Here!
[Smaug now turns to attack them but Dwalin and Nori make a run for it, then Smaug notices Bifur and Gloin running in another direction and he goes after them, unleashing his fire]
[meanwhile in Lake-town the Orcs prepare to leave]
Bolg: [subtitled] Send word to Dol Guldur, Oakenshield has reached the Mountain!
[they hear Legolas killing his way through the Orcs towards them; turning back to the Orcs]
Bolg: [subtitled] Go!
[to the remaining Orcs]
Bolg: [subtitled] You! Come with me.
[as they make their way through the town Bolg and Legolas suddenly come face to face, as Legolas goes to attack him two Orcs come up from their hiding place, Legolas kills them quickly, then Bolg and Legolas fight each other both beating each other badly and it ends with Bolg setting two of his Orcs onto Legolas as he walks off, Legolas kills them and then stumbles as he touches the blood running from his nose, he then sets off on his horse after Bolg]
[back in the mountain Thorin, Balin and Bilbo make a run for it to the forge as Smaug is distracted]
Balin: This way! It's this way! Come on!
Bilbo: Thorin!
[suddenly Smaug finds them]
Thorin: Follow Balin!
Bilbo: Thorin.
Balin: Come on!
[Bilbo goes off with Balin just as Smaug unleashes his fire, Thorin jumps down into a hole and catches a nearby rope, Smaug then follows him]
Dwalin: Thorin! Hold on!
[Dwalin manages to get the rope to bring Thorin back up from the hole, but Smaug catches him with his mouth, as Smaug opens his mouth to unleash fire Thorin jumps off and the dwarves help him back up as Smaug unleashes his fire; to Nori]
Thorin: Go! Go!
[as they all reach the forge]
Dwalin: The plan's not gonna work. These furnaces are stone cold.
Balin: He's right. We've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze.
[Thorin turns and smiles as they hear Smaug approaching]
Thorin: Have we not?
[taunting Smaug]
Thorin: I did not look to see you so easily outwitted!
[Smaug starts climbing out of the hole]
Thorin: You have grown slow and fat in your dotage. Slug!
[Smaug turns to him in anger and Thorin faces the dwarves]
Thorin: Take cover. Go!
[the dwarves hide behind the stone pillars as Smaug unleashes his fire into the forge which is so hot it ignites forge's fire]
Thorin: Bombur! Get those billows working! Go!
[Bombur goes off as Smaug is trying to break through the iron gate of the forge]
Thorin: Bilbo! Up there. On my mark, pull that lever.
[Smaug continues to breaks through the iron gate]
Thorin: Balin, can you still mix a flash flame?
Balin: Aye, it will only take a jiffy!
[to Ori]
Balin: Come on!
[as they watch Smaug breaking through the iron gate]
Dwalin: We don't have a jiffy.
[Smaug finally breaks through and enters the forge]
[as they try to make a flash fire]
Dori: Where's the sulfur? Are you sure you know what you're doing?
[Bilbo runs up to his position to stand by the lever as the rest of the dwarves help Balin]
Dori: Come on!
[Smaug takes a step further into the forge then turns to look at Thorin who shouts to Bilbo]
Thorin: Now!
[Bilbo pulls the lever which releases the water and douses Smaug, then as Smaug paces towards Thorin, Balin and Ori throw flash fire at him, at the same time Thorin pulls a lever which pours molten gold down a path]
Thorin: Lead him to the Gallery of the Kings.
[Thorin rushes and rides down the molten gold, Smaug starts destroying the forge which makes Bilbo fall from his position]
Thorin: Keep going, Bilbo! Run!
[Bilbo follows the rest of the dwarves with Smaug following them to the Gallery of the Kings]
[as Smaug runs Bilbo down when they enter the Gallery of the Kings]
Smaug: You think you can deceive me, barrel rider? You have come from Lake-town. This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable trading lakemen. Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows. Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit.
Bilbo: Oh no!
[Smaug turns to leave]
Bilbo: This isn't their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Lake-town!
[Smaug stops and turns to Bilbo]
Smaug: You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die!
[Smaug turns and starts to make his way out]
Thorin: Here! You witless worm!
[Smaug stops and turns to face Thorin who is standing on top of a large column]
Smaug: You.
Thorin: I am taking back what you stole.
[Smaug starts stomping towards Thorin]
Smaug: You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instill terror in the hearts of men. I am King Under the Mountain.
Thorin: This is not your kingdom. These are Dwarf lands. This is Dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge.
[Thorin and the dwarves pull apart the large column of stones to reveal a giant gold statue of Thorin's ancestor, Smaug is enchanted by the gold when suddenly the gold liquid falls apart taking Smaug down and covering him beneath all the gold]
[last lines; Thorin believing they have destroyed Smaug watches as suddenly Smaug rises from beneath the sea of gold and fuming with anger]
Smaug: Ah, revenge! Revenge! I will show you revenge!
[Smaug bursts out of the mountain and flies towards Lake-town where the people sense the rumbling of his arrival, Bard shouts to the oblivious guards through his prison cell]
Bard: Listen to me! Do you not know what is coming?
[as Smaug approaches Lake-town]
Smaug: I am fire. I am...death!
[Bilbo watches in horror as Smaug flies toward Lake-town]
Bilbo: What have we done?

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now