Making ends meet.

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Stolen glances, quick hellos, and numb smiles, have been the only forms of communication between Kara and Mon-El for the past four days. They both hated the awkward atmosphere they've created, but yet they weren't trying to do anything to change it. Kara didn't even dare to consider talking to him...she knew the hurt expression in his eyes would be too much for her, and as for him the forced smile she grew to wear like a glove...he couldn't handle that either. He'd only been here four days, yet it seemed like since his return time has failed to pass for the both of them.

They were both still stuck on that balcony, reliving a moment they couldn't forget.

He'd expected this but he really hoped it wouldn't have happened, however selfish that may sound. And he knew he shouldn't be thinking like this because his relationship history gave him no right to.

It was different with him though. He didn't want to be with Imra, he tried to love her but ultimately it just didn't work out. But she choose to move on, she choose to love someone else. And if he was being completely honest the fact that she could move on in two years when he couldn't in several decades kinda stings. A part of him refuses to believe that she could stop loving him that quickly. She might have only been verbal about her love for him once during the time they were together, but regardless of that he could've sweared that it was there in her eyes. Whenever they woke up together. He could feel it in her touch in the midst of their most intimate moments. And he sense it in her laugh whenever he said something relatively stupid.

He thought he saw that same love in her eyes four days ago when he leaned into kiss her. But he guessed it was all just a figment of his imagination, because clearly she's moved on. Her brushing her thumb against her lips should've told him that, but it only hit him when she told him that she's in a relationship with someone...someone who wasn't him.

He'd been staying at J'onn's tower, sleeping on the couch on the first floor of the building. He hadn't expected it to be like this sleeping—well laying down for hours unable to find the slightest bit of rest— on a stiff sofa, in J'onn's office, but yet, here he was.

Kelly, Alex's girlfriend has been helping him with apartment searching. And speaking of Alex's new girlfriend, she seems to make Alex very happy. The last time he was here she'd just ended things with Maggie, leaving her utterly heartbroken. So it was nice to see her radiating an enlightening energy again. And not only has she been radiating a more joyous vibe, but Brainy has been too. And Mon-El was pretty sure Nia had a big portion to do with that. Emotions have always been complicated when it came to Brainy, but at least to Mon-Els perspective everything seems to be sailing smoothly for the two. And he couldn't be any happier for them. And even J'onn's cheery. Which is something Alex says he'll get use to eventually, not soon but eventually.

He's trying not to rain on their parades, but he knows they've all noticed the weird tension between him and Kara. And honestly how couldn't they not have noticed it? They can't even hold eye contact for Rao's sake.

They are just two people stuck in a really crappy situation...again.

"You should talk to him."

"Hm?" The Kryptonians head lifted up at the words of her sisters.

She had lost herself in her mind again, replaying the words she'd exchanged with him four days ago. Trying to forget the pained expression that coated his face, and completely over took his eyes. He tried masking that pain with a smile, but she saw right threw him. He never had to display his emotions with words for her to know what he was feeling. She doesn't know when she got so good at it but at some point in there relationship—maybe even before then she always could read him.

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