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Walking past all sorts of apparel shops she didn't particularly like, they turned a corner and were greeted by the large store of Nordstrom's. While she mainly bought running shoes and much more practical clothing from the big name store, she decided that if she were to buy a dress it ought to be from here.

While walking in the large department store, she couldn't help but notice the teenage girls, who had just started winter break, gawk and giggle at Alucard. She could overhear the girls whisper about how strangely attractive he is. If only they knew he was really quite the demon in disguise, maybe they would swallow their words.

"Well, we're not short of attention at least..." sarcastically she commented to Alucard. He merely chuckled only to continue to follow Elyza into the strange store he had never seen before. Well, he hadn't really seen a market quite like this in some time. Mainly he saw merchants set up shops in one localized area, but now, there are far too many shops in one area! Oh how the times have passed before him.

"Now, since we're here, I'm also going to be shopping for some food and look at some furniture to put in the house. Feel free to leave whenever, I'm not sure how long this will take in all honesty. I hope not too long though." as they walked past a large crowd of people flocking to some shoe sale, Elyza stepped onto an escalator that led to the next floor. Shortly Alucard followed her, and much to his pleasure, he had quite the view.

"I quite like this machine." smirking he continued to peek at the hem of her skirt that barely hid her rear. Elyza looked down rather confused before looking to the people behind them, who were clearly uncomfortable given Alucard's remark, she caught on.

"Alucard!" dismayed she blushed before lowering his skirt to help hide herself. He growled in response, but, he knew better to try and remove her skirt with so many humans around. He didn't want any other being to get to see her like that.

As they reached the second floor, Elyza quickly stepped off and waited for Alucard to follow her. Slightly culture shocked, it took him a second to take in the mannequins adorned in strange outfits that didn't really match, but they still sold. He didn't take a liking to any of the garments being displayed to him. Was he really going to find something suitable for Elyza to wear?

"Hurry up, I'd like to go home as soon as I can." looking annoyed, Elyza waited impatiently as he took his sweet time trying to figure out what he'd like Elyza to wear. Grinning he enjoyed seeing her frustrated, it was rather cute. But nonetheless, he appealed to her wishes and followed her side closely. From there he allowed her to lead the way.

After a short time, Elyza stopped and gestured to the department store that offered, in his opinion, much more suitable clothing.

"Welp, this is it. Go ahead and pick whatever it is you want me to wear. And just so you know, I'm size small in shirts, and medium in pants. The same should go for skirts." sitting down on a stool right by the dressing rooms, she crossed her legs and waited for Alucard to continue his shenanigans.

After some time of waiting, and some time of fighting the urge to doze off, Elyza was greeted by two women carrying a large stack of clothing. They seemed loopy and, there was a strange tint to their eyes. It couldn't be that...

"Alucard! What did you do to these women?!" standing from her seat she quietly yelled to the man who appeared in front of her.

"They offered to help me." grinning the two women ushered Elyza to a dressing room and Alucard followed.

"Alucard, there are people here too. They need employees to help them. Go let them do their job while I change. Also, you absolutely cannot come in with me." as they entered the large dressing stall, the two women placed the piles of clothes down before exiting.

Disgruntled with this information he allowed the two women to leave and return to their jobs, but, waiting outside when he could simply watch her change into those interesting garments he selected for her? No, he would have his way.

Walking through the door he looked to Elyza who was eyeing a red silk nightgown. She didn't seem to give any reaction and simply began to remove her shirt. Apparently, she had no idea he was in the cubicle with her. Well, it's not like she needed to know, but, every other human within in this strange dressing room should leave. He would want to make comments and surely with them gone, Elyza wouldn't be so opposed to the idea of him watching her change. He had seen her body plenty of times, why should this be any different?

The shuffle of feet alerted Elyza. All the doors could obviously be heard opening and people quickly shuffled out leaving the garments they had been interested in. What was going on? Did someone tell everyone to leave and she didn't notice? No...

"Alucard!" she spun around and pointed to him with the red clothing in hand. Indifferent he tilted his head.

"Dude, seriously, get out! These people are customers and should be able to try on their clothes! Just let them do their thing." running a hand through her hair she pinched at the bridge of her nose in annoyment with his childish behaviour. Did she really have to go through all of this just to get the man to understand? The world isn't his toy.

"I thought you didn't be here longer than you wanted? Why not just indulge me to help the time go by faster, I'm sure you know that arguing like this will get you nowhere." he grinned as he made the winning argument. Sighing she thought over the proposition in her head. If Alucard was truthful, he had seen her plenty of times naked; so, what's the point of hiding? And she did want to leave... But, it just stilll seemed so embarrassing to wear almost nothing in front of the lecherous man. Dammit, why must she be placed in these sort of situations!

"You know what," she started as she began to remove her shirt "you fucking win. But, I swear to God, if you so much as touch me I will scream my throat out and tell your boss about it later. And don't think this is me wanting to get all 'intimate'. I just want to leave." stripping down to her bra and underwear he couldn't help but grin. He would meet her requirements and bite his tongue.

He examined the plain white bra and white pair of underwear and found it not particularly attractive, but cute in the sense she didn't bother buying anything unnecessary and over the top.

"How the fuck do you even put this on, I've never worn a nightgown before. Do you step into it or pull it over your head..." she trailed off as she tried to step into the silk fabric. Apparently, either way worked and quickly she had dressed in one of the many attires Alucard had picked out. She looked to the mirror and boredly she brushed off the look and instantly stepped out of the clothing. Although, it became apparent she couldn't tug the apparel past her shoulders, and if she pulled it past her hips it'd surely tear.

"Uhm, can you help me?" with messy hair she continued to try and attempt to remove the nightgown but to no avail.

"I thought you had specifically stated that if I so much as touch you-" he began to tease her.

"Oh shut up and help me, I can't get this stupid thing off!" she groaned in frustration before settling for the stupid position she found herself in...

"That, was fucking awful." she sighed as she entered the car carrying a bag full of groceries while Alucard held most of them. After the whole clothes shenanigans, she had decided it was high time to go grocery shopping and eat something other than microwavable foods. For the most part, the time just consisted of her browsing through variants of ingredients and meats; Alucard commented on how all human food tasted the same to him. It was bland, nauseating, and terribly disgusting. He brought up the times where Seras had refused to imbibe in anything but human food, and consequently, couldn't bring herself to keep on eating the trashy substance.

She started the ignition as Alucard tossed the newly bought groceries into the back seat. 

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