Chapter 1

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Alex knew it was too late. The bad guy swung at him and hit him in the face. He should've ducked. He could taste blood.
"I'll only ask one more time. Who are you working for?" He asked. Alex said nothing. He hadn't been trained or anything but he knew enough from spy movies and doing this since March.
"Not saying anything? Fine. We can make sure whoever you're working for won't find you," the man grinned. Alex's stomach churned. He thought maybe he was going to die. He didn't know what happened next. The last thing he'd seen was the man grinning evilly at him. Then everything went black.

The day was sunny. Mike Donehey was walking his dog with his oldest daughter, Eisley, was with him. They were laughing and having a good time. The dog saw something and pulled Mike towards it. He tried to stop it but the dog was too determined. Both Mike and Eisley followed the dog to what it had seen.
There laying in the middle of the road was a boy. He had short fair hair, his eyes were closed, and he looked pale. He had some cuts and bruises and generally looked like he had been in a fight. Mike knew what he had to do. He called for an ambulance and sent Eisley home with the dog. He had told her that the boy was going to be okay, but in truth he didn't exactly know himself.
At the hospital, the boy was fine. It turned out he hadn't been too bad off.
Mike had spoken with social services about taking the boy home. He didn't need to do it, but he felt like he needed to. Who knew what might've happened if he hadn't found him. Kelly was on board with the idea. The social worker told him all the work he might have to put in with the boy. But all Mike could say was he was willing to do it.

In the hospital room, Alex stirred. He was just starting to wake up. He was in some pain, but he knew he should be in more. He was glad to not be in so much.
Seeing the door from the bed, Alex could see a man. He was talking with someone else. He couldn't tell what they were saying, but he guessed it was about him. The man looked worried. He kept glancing into the room seemingly right at him. Alex had never seen him before.
Upon a glance inside the room, the man saw he was awake. A smile formed and he came inside.
"You're finally awake," he said. His accent was American. Alex gave him a puzzled look.
"Who are you?" Alex asked. His voice was grizzly. His throat was bone dry.
"My name is Mike Donehey. And you should take it easy. You've been through a lot," the man replied. Alex looked more puzzled. How could this man know what he's been through? What had he been through? Alex had so many questions. "What's your name?"
"I don't know. I can't remember anything," Alex replied.
"It's okay. We can give you a name," Mike said. "How about Steve?"
"Absolutely not."
After some thought Alex replied, "Perfect."
"Then it's settled. Your name is Alex. Also when you've been cleared to leave you'll be coming home with me. It's been taken care of already. We've made space for you," Mike smiled. It was kind. Alex felt relaxed around him, even if that could be because of the drugs he was on for pain. "Get some rest, Alex. You'll need all your strength."
"Will you stay with me? I-I don't what's going on. You seem to have some grasp on the situation," Alex asked.
Mike smiled even more. It was so happy and kind it calmed Alex. "Of course."

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