Auntie Nora and Uncle Ren

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Nora and Ren were sleeping peacefully in their separate bed sleeping peacefully. Nora dreaming about Ren serving her pancakes and feeding her while giving her a love letter. Meanwhile Ren was dreaming about Ozpin asking Ren if he could to test out a new pool chair. While Ren and Jaune were outside, training with each other and finally little Pyro who was wide awake to see his mommy and daddy weren't around. He starts shedding tears until he sees Ren and Nora sleeping so he decided to get off of his mother's bed and starts crawling to Nora

Nora (sleep talking): Oh Ren you're so (snoring) sweet of you to make me more pancakes (snoring)

Pyro crawls onto Nora's bed as he get on top of her, sitting on her chest as he softly pats Nora's face but there was no response. So Pyro gets off of her chest as he looks at Nora 

Pyro: Sowwy nowa

Pyro tickles Nora as shot up now awake as giggles with Pyro's tickling which makes Pyro stop. She looks around confused into what happened until she sees Pyro looking at her with a worried look  

Nora (smiles): Good morning Pyro

Pyro (smiles): Hewwo

Nora looks at Ren who was still dream about that pool chair. Nora lets out a devilish grin as she had an idea on waking up Ren. She picks up Pyro in her arms and walks up to Ren's bed with still having that devilish grin on her face. Nora then drops Pyro right on Ren's stomach instantly waking him up as he starts wheezing, trying to breathe

Ren (deep breathe): Nora.......

Nora (innocent smile): Sorry Ren but can you make pancakes now I'm hungry

Ren sighs in defeat 

TimeSkip - brought to you by Chibi Ren meditating with a sleeping Chibi Pyro on his head 

Ren was cooking pancakes as Nora was sitting on the table with an excited smile on her face while Pyro was confused sitting on Nora's lap.Finally after waiting for about 12 minutes Ren comes in with a huge stack of pancakes for Nora, 5 to 6 for himself, and little mini pancakes for Pyro making it easy for him to chew. Pyro was now sitting on on Ren's as He feeds not only himself but Pyro as well. Nora just gobbled them up in a few seconds letting out a loud burp making Pyro giggle at her burp. 

Pyro (giggle): Nowa fwnny

Nora (chuckled): Why thank you fireball

Pyro (looks at Ren): Uncle Wen me not hungwy no mwre

Ren was shocked at first when Pyro called him his uncle at first but he didn't find

Ren (smiles): Okay (looks at Nora) Nora would you like to have- (cut off) 

Nora immediately snatched the plate as she eats to pancakes in 1.2 seconds, letting out a little burp

Nora (energetic): Thank Ren!!!!

Pyro (happy): (claps his hands) Awntie Nowa cool!!!

Both Ren and Nora Chuckled at little Pyro. Nora then looks at Ren with a seductive smirk on her face

Nora: Ya know Ren little Pyro here is making me think having our own kids~

Ren suddenly felt a chill run down his spin when Nora said that and Pyro being the innocent one says

Pyro (innocent): (giggles) cwsins

TimeSkip - brought to you by Chibi Jaune, Chibi Pyrrha, and Chibi Pyro sleeping with each other

It was nightfall as Nora and Pyro were playing with stuffed animals while Ren was meditating in his bed. All of a sudden Pyrrha and Jaune enter their dorm sweating like crazy and look very tired 

Nora: Finally Where were you guys!!!! You were for the whole day!!!!! (sees their sweat/ smirks) Oh I see you guys wanted some personal alone time for your "special time"~

Saying that makes Pyrrha and Jaune blush crazy 

Pyrrha (shooked her head and waved her hands): No no no its not like that I was just take training Jaune so I could help him get better in fighting!!!

Nora: Yeah sure~

Pyro crawls towards his mommy and daddy while hugging stuffed teddy bear

Pyro (innocent): Mama want broder

Pyrrha (blushes): W-what

Pyro (innocent): Want Broder

Pyrrha (blushing): Y-you w-want a ba-baby br-bro-brother

Pyro nodded

Pyrrha (blushing): Ehhh (tries to change the subject) How about I give you a bath

Pyro (smiles): Otay!

Pyrrha carried her son to the bathroom as she began to take off her son's cloths. Pyrrha turns on the bath making the water warm. She began to strip down her clothes as her son was excited to take a bath with his mommy. Pyro turns around to see his  mother dropping her chest plate exposing her breasts 

Pyro (points at his mommy's breasts innocently): Big

Pyrrha picks up Pyro and starts getting into that bath as the warm water felt great. Pyro started splashing until Pyrrha gave him his rubber ducky to make him stop splashing so much. Pyrrha and Pyro look at each other smiling 

Pyrrha: (kisses Pyro's forehead) Mommy loves pyro and there's nothing that will change that

Hearing that makes Pyro crying

Pyro (crying): (kisses Pyrrha's cheek) Wov you mama

Pyrrha (smiles): (wipes Pyro tears away) I'll always be there for you and I keep you safe even if it means I have to risk my life to do it  

The End

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