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" a name for a man "

𝔙𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔶𝔯𝔦𝔢" a name for a man "THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING

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The wind was cold and sharp against Maleficents skin as she shot through the morning sky like a dark star. The woman rose through the air, twisting and spinning and flaring the fabric of her dress dramatically, before tucking her shadowy wings close and diving.

She free fell for what felt like forever, the wind howling past her ears, before her wings snapped out to catch the air. She jolted. Every muscle in her back strained but the woman only smiled at the familiar and pleasant sting. Her course arched upwards. The Witch beat her wing once, twice, then a third time before she's once more shooting towards the sky and its fluffy clouds that were almost glowing in the rising sunlight. She broke through the fine misty vapour with a sigh. The sun, warm and soft, made her porcelain skin shimmer like starlight as a comfortable heat seeped through her bones at the lights gentle caress.

Maleficent could stay in the sky forever.

Slowly, and admittedly reluctantly, she began a gentle declining spiral towards Rivendell. The witch was silent as she sailed across the tips of the trees and near the waterfalls before dipping into the hidden valley. Her eyes focused in on a familiar figure almost gliding along one of the white arched bridges. Maleficent ducked towards them, black clothes a dark blip fluttering along the spring colours of the elven domain, before beating her wings quickly to carry herself up to the crafted white archway connecting two separate courtyards where a man now waited patiently for her to land.

"It's a beautiful sunrise, my Lady" Elrond chuckled warmly as the woman landed in front of him on the very edge of the bridge "but I'm surprised you are awake to see it"

"I assure you" Maleficent smiled tiredly "I am no lady this early in the morning"

The wise elf offered her an arm, which she gladly took, before beginning to lead her on the walk he was originally doing as he gave her a questioning look "Then why are you up?"

"I couldn't sleep" She admitted with a sigh, thin hand running over her face. In the moment, Elrond could only think that she looked much older then she was. Eyes tired, skin sallow, with her usually elegant steps being slow and sluggish. The dark draping fabric of her dress seemed to swallow her figure but she welcomed the encompassing warmth of it.

"Dreams?" The lord inquired softly.

She shook her head "Memories"

Elrond have gave her a sympathetic look and ran his thumb across her knuckles in a comforting way that had some of the tension easing out of her shoulders "Old or new?

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