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I thought we had a fighting chance,

But now I know its dying with every single glance.

I love you more than you will ever know,

Now is the time for me to let it show.

With every cut, I see the blood,

I'm on my knees, down in the mud.

Every minute without you,

Is another minute of my life I lose.

The pieces of my blood-soaked broken heart

Are so small, I don't know where I should start.

I love you now and forever,

I wish that we were still together.

Now with no heart to pump my blood,

I'll remain here forever, a corpse in the mud.

Losing you tore my world apart.

Now I'm left to deal with a blood-soaked broken heart.

Depression of a Broken Soul: A Collection of Poetry by Andrew GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now