Chapter 1(EDITED)

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P.s edited chapters may not make sense in regards to the rest of the book as changes are being made. 


"Payton are you sure you have everything, make sure you remember your house keys, we don't want a repeat of last time." 

Mum has been on my ass ever since last week. Turns out that forgetting something as simple as a metal key can have drastic effects.  I was stuck outside, in the middle of winter, for hours until my mom came home and discovered me huddled up by the door. She was pretty mad that I didn't call her or didn't just go into a coffee shop so I didn't freeze to death. In my defense, I've never been good at quick thinking. As a result, I was cooped up in my room all last week, trying to recuperate from the nasty cold I caught sometime during my four hours in the Canadian winter.

"Ya, I got everything,"

 I bid her a final goodbye and walk towards the front entrance of my school. Walking towards my locker I spot my best friend Vanessa. As soon as we make I contact she screams and comes running towards me.  I cringe, she's a bit too eccentric for me. Vanessa is one of the so-call popular girls, I hate using that word but that's the only way I can describe it.  She has the looks, the personality, she's like the whole package. Her association with me doesn't really make sense as I am none of those things, but I try not to dwell on it too much.

"Payton!" She screams and pulls me into a bear hug. It's kind of awkward, considering I'm much, much taller than the average girl. 

"You're a bit too happy for this time of day"

"Oh get over it Payton"

"I missed you too Ness" I laugh.

"Shut up, your excessive talking is making us late for class."

The day goes by relatively quickly and I find the bell signaling the end of the day ringing sooner than expected. I'm at my locker ridding myself of my overweight textbooks when Vanessa approaches. I see her from the corner of my eye, she has a look in her eye that could only spell out trouble. 

"Grab your shit, you're coming with me," she basically demands.

"Honestly Ness I'm beaten. I really just want to go home and take a bath."

"Payton, you know I never ask you to go anywhere with me but today is an exception. Jennifer invited a bunch of the dance girls over to her place to practice and she told me to ask you to come. Trust me, I know it's not your scene but I really want Jennifer to like me. She's the lead this year and is basically in charge. I need her to like me. "

"I'm only staying for a bit."

"Come on, hurry up Payton," Vanessa says impatiently. "Gosh, I'm coming, chill," I say frustrated while trying to fit my science textbook in my backpack. After another minute I finally get it in and Vanessa drags me toward the front doors.

Not long after I find myself cramped in a corner in Jen's massive basement, trying and failing to catch up on my readings for English. 

 I hear a door slam open and loud footsteps coming in followed by laughing and shouting.

"You've got to be kidding me. I told my brother that I was using the basement today," huffs Jen.

"Jenny, jellybean! Where are you" I hear someone yell out. Jen rolls her eyes and shouts back that she's downstairs. I poke my head out of the book I was reading when I hear the first footstep. I already know who it is. Any involved teenager in our city would know who it is. Jen's brother and his friends have quite the reputation in our town. 

First, walks in Michael who is distinct because of his ginger hair and his uncanny sports ability. In all honesty, anyone who can throw a ball straight is an Olympic athlete to someone as uncoordinated as myself. Damien, Jen's brother,  is next to step in. He's the most brooding, always looking upset.  Finally walks in Kyle, who's mature look acts as a misnomer compared to his personality. I quickly avert my attention back to my book so that they don't see me staring. 

"Hey, Michael" giggled Vanessa. She's always had a crush on him. Or was is it, Kyle. I think she's gone after each of them. Honestly, who could blame her, I'd do the same if I had it in me. 

Rolling my eyes, at her shameless flirting and Michael's half-hearted attempt at replying, I go back to my book and continue attempting to read the second chapter. Who knew reading a book would be hard for someone who basically lives in a library. 

"What you reading, " Michael asks. From the corner of my eye, I see Vanessa glaring at me.

"A book," I say in a quiet voice.

He chuckles "Ya I sort of figured"

I blush and quickly look down at my book. Assuming he's bored of me, I hear him get up along with the rest of them and walked out of the room but not before whispering something in Jen's ears to which she grins and nods.

A little while after, Jenny asks me to go grab something from her room upstairs. Shrugging it off I walk upstairs towards her room. While walking up the stairs, I feel something or someone grab my arm. And before I can say anything, a hand blocks my mouth and drags me into a room, locking the door behind them.

"Hello Sweetheart"

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