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Kuroo's POV

I didn't imagine I'd be spending my Sunday morning sleeping on a hospital couch but here we are. It was around 4 am when I woke up and everything was cold and quiet. Kenma was rushed to the hospital around 8, he had to get stitches for his cuts and a tube since apparently his wind pipe was damaged. By now he was in his room we just weren't allowed to see him till he woke up and got medicated, if he woke up they said. The doctors said the chances of him waking up are high but there's still a chance he might slip into a coma.

"Oh you're up?" I sat up on the couch to see Akaashi reading a book in one of the chairs in the corner. Bokuto was passed out in the chair next to him and Iwaizumi and Oikawa were snuggled up on the couch across from me. I can't help but think how just a few hours ago that was Kenma and I watching movie in my room.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked him sounded extremely groggy.

"Oh I haven't slept yet." He responded not a hint of tiredness in his voice. "I wanted to stay up so I could wake everyone else up when we could go in. I figured you'd want to see him as soon as possible." Akaashi was always thinking about other people it was actually really sweet, but I felt bad for keeping him up.

"I didn't want to go to sleep but I guess my body had different intentions." Now feeling pretty awake I took a good look at Akaashi who looked slightly tired. "You can sleep now if you want I plan to stay up." He looked up from his book, which he hadn't done yet, and stared at me before returning to his reading.

"No I'm ok, if I go to sleep now I'll be groggy when we visit Kenma-san." He made a pretty good point, if we're lucky the doctor should be coming in any-

"Kozume Kenma?" A voice called out into the waiting room that was empty besides us. Akaashi shook Bokuto awake while I got up to speak with the doctor.

"Yes? Is he awake?" I asked, my voice was filled with anticipation.

"He woke up about five minutes ago, the nurses gave him his medication and he's been cleared for visitors so you can go in the see him at any time." He's ok, Kenma's ok. I've never felt more excited in my entire life. I'd get to see him again, better yet I'd get to talk to him again.

"Let's go then!" I heard Bokuto shout happily from behind me. I turned around to see everyone awake and showing no signs of being asleep just moments ago. The thought of seeing Kenma again woke everyone up. We began to walk out of the waiting room when the doctor blocked us.

"I'd be best to go in one at a time, if things get too chaotic he might pass out." We looked around at each other wondering who would go in first, I was secretly hoping they'd let me go. I can't sit here knowing he's up and not see him.

"Kuroo'll go first obviously." Oikawa pointed out and everyone agreed thankfully, I'll have to thank him for that later. The doctor led me towards his room door and then left to attend to his own matters. I looked in through the glass window and saw him sitting there with bandages scattered up his arm. The tube they put down his throat before to help him breath was now gone. He did have something wrapped around his head and nose, I'm assuming to help him breath but I'm not sure. He looked so beaten up and not just physically. Kenma stared at the blank wall in front of him, probably reliving the day. I pushed the door open and he shot his head around to look at me, he seemed to relax at the sight of me.

"Hey Kenma how are-" I began to walk up to him and he started signing so fast I couldn't tell what he was saying. "Woah, woah Kenma slow down." He didn't stop but instead speed up, at this point I couldn't even make out a single word. "Hey Kenma just-" I grabbed him hands and held them in my own, he let out a shaky breath and looked down at his lap. I pulled his hands up to my face and laid a soft kiss of them to calm him down, it worked and he relaxed a bit. I let go of his hands and he began to sign much more slowly.

'I need to tell you something.' He looked scared when he said this, is it about what happened in his house?

"You can tell me anything." He paused for a second before responding.

'You won't hate me? Or think I'm a monster.' How could he possible be blaming himself for anything about this situation. I'd been blaming myself a bit for letting him go back into that house but it's fair to say the real person at fault was his mother.

"Kenma I could never hate you and you're not a monster."

'Kuroo I was going to kill her.' He took another shaky breath and the fear in his eyes grew slightly. 'I was going to kill my own mother.' I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. He wasn't scared of what happened, he was scared of himself. I don't care that he tried to kill her, and even if he did I wouldn't have blamed him. Eventually I pulled away from the hug and held onto his hands tightly.

"Kenma listen to me. What you were going to do was purely in self defense it doesn't make you a monster. I could never hate you, what she did to you was wrong." I've never said something with so much confidence in my life because I knew every word I was saying was true. He nodded slowly and I brought his head towards my chest letting him rest there.

Kenma's POV

I didn't want Kuroo to leave but everyone was here and wanted to see me so eventually he had to head back. I was kind of happy they were only letting one person in at a time though I don't think I could handle everyone at once right now. Immediately after Kuroo left Akaashi came in. When we hung out he seemed rather emotionless, monotoned might be a better word, but when I looked at him now he looked rather worried.

"Kenma-san I'm glad to see you're ok." He said walking up to me and sitting in the chair next to my bed. "I'm assuming Kuroo did most of the calming down already, right?" He asked with a bit of a laugh, I smiled and shook my head thinking back to Kuroo. Him kissing my hand, and hugging me, and letting me rest my head on his chest. I all made my heart beat so fast. I only noticed now he had some papers in his hand which caught my eyes. "Do you want to read them?" He asked staring me down.

'What are they?' I asked remembering Akaashi knew a fair bit of sign language himself.

"Police reports. Details about the crime scene as well as what's going to happen to your mother. My future uncle let me take a copy." I felt terror building inside of me. I wanted so badly to read those paper, to know what was going on but I couldn't even look at them now without plunging into panic. I shook my head no rather violently trying to get the image of the papers out of my mind. "That's fine I won't force you." After that we talked a bit about how I was doing and such before he was pulled out for Bokuto could come in.

My talks with Bokuto and Iwaizumi were rather short, since they didn't know sign language I could really only respond to yes or no questions. Plus I wasn't really close with them which just made the conversation uncomfortable. When Oikawa came in I assumed it'd be the same since I really only knew Kuroo and Akaashi, however, he was sort of easy to talk to and had a lot of questions to ask.

"I had Akaashi teach me some basic sign language while we were waiting." He explained as he entered the room. From what Kuroo told me Oikawa was rather smart so he was probably a quick learner. "I also talked to Kuroo a bit on the ride over here, he mentioned you had selective mutism." I nodded my head signaling he was right. Normally I wouldn't tell people that since I was use to it back firing, however, I could trust Kuroo and if Kuroo told him that means I can trust Oikawa as well. Realistically I can probably trust all five of them. Weird, I've never had so many people to trust before. "My dad's a therapist I can set up something for you, only if you're interested of course"

'Money.' I responded in one word since I figured Oikawa wouldn't be able to decipher much more then that. I mean he learned only a few hours ago.

"He owes me a big favor so I can at least get him to do the first few sessions free until you figure out where you'll be living and such." His offer was tempting, now that my mom was... out of the picture I could get help. I've always wanted to speak I was just way to scared with her around. "How does that sound?" I nodded my head in agreement and soon after the doctor came in and ushered him out. Now to think about the next problem, where I'd be living.





Akaashi and Oikawa rlly be on top of their game today.

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