Chapter 1

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"Mum! Where's my roller skates?" I asked my pale mother, trying not to scrunch up my face on how ill she looked.
Even though she wasn't the slightest bit unhealthy the stress of moving on from dad dying was like a huge weight on her shoulders, literally stuck for life. She loved dad, truly. I have never seen a more loving couple. I was 17 at the time we moved to Mara estate. Just after dad had died, I had to start a new school, get a new house,literally a whole new life with my mum and little sister ,Jenny.

Jenny was keen on dolls, which I didn't like in the slightest. I was into supernatural investigation and had read lots of chilling tales about possessed dolls, China dolls, spirits that lived inside dolls. You know, shit like that.
I'm not saying I believed all the stories about supernatural activity. But I'm sure I believed in poltergeists, simply because we had one. Now I'm not making this shit up.we lived in Mara estate for about 6 years, I wasn't that popular in school, or anywhere. I simply stayed in on weekends and watched the vampire diaries or read scary shit online.
It started about a week into living there. The tv used to just turn on by itself, which I took no notice of because It could have been a faulty wire or the connection was crappy.mum worked the night shift in the hotel down the street. So it was just me and the six year old pain, Jenny.the first night alone was traumatizing.

(A/N: hi, hopefully your enjoying the book so far, I'm really sorry if there are typos because I update on my phone sometimes and sometimes on my iPad. So yea, don't forget to vote and comment
-T 😊)

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