First day we met

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Ps: Let me just say i decided to write this story because it has some what of  sentimental meaning and i wanna be able to look back on it but then again thank you i appreciate that your reading this story it was just for the hell of it .

It was 5:45 in the morning on a Monday morning and i don't wanna wake up because it was too fuckin early after 2 months of going to sleep at 6 in the morning and waking up at 10 at night it was not the move like i wanted to shoot my head off anyway i got ready i put on a red plain shirt and some raggedy light blue jeans in my defense i was in 6th grade so i didn't know what "style" was and some Vans Checkerboard Skate Shoe - Black / White
yes i know lame but i didn't know i was gonna be meeting anyone important and i was like 12 soo yea but fast forward to the drive to the school i was car rider to school and bus rider home so i got there then i walked in i was confused as shit but i texted my best friend her name Elisabeth but i call her mushu but it took us a whole 20 minutes to fine each other bc this school was huge but lame at the same time we both got there early so we had time to get together before we had to go our separate ways we were giggling around looking at everyone seeing who we knew and who we didn't and who changed. Basically judging yes stupid but that's just how we roll lol but we eventually had to go get our badges so that was fun having to wait in a whole 10 min line just to be in the wrong one i was supposed to be in the line that was 2 down from the one i was in which suck ass but i had no choice so i went down to the correct line to go get it and i got my schedule which i was supposed to get in orientation that was 2 days before but i would have lost the paper and i didn't go to that shit bc i knew it was gonna be mad boring and i rather be sleeping instead so yea i got that then i had a whole 7 classes and let me tell u when i saw that my face went from 😃 to 😒 like no kidding so after that i went to my table finished breakfast saw if me and my bsf had any classes together which of course we didn't i mean it would make sense bc she hella smarter than me like i'm mentally dum she denies it but whatever we went to our first class i was only texting her then bam teacher was like it's your turn would u like to present yourself to the class i was like fawk 😀 so i stood up sadly i had to say my name, age, birthday, what elementary i came from like this bitch really wanna get punched in the face n really know me ( yes i'm aggressive my bad :) ) so i did what i had to say i was like
Hi my names amore  i'm 12 my birthday is july 26 and i came from Sheridan elementary which was next door so she was like "oh from that school?" yes ma'am i said then i sat back down and started texting my best friend all about it she was laughing bc i said that i wanted to punch the teacher and it was only the first day i get why it funny but it was true she was getting on my nerves and me i have little to no patients so that was that through out the day was i would kept going to the wrong hallways sometimes at one point i was getting hella nervous so i had to go to the restroom and calm down which caused me to be late for a class which i didn't even hear the bell ring she didn't mark me late or anything she was understanding bc i said i got lost i really did just not exactly it was just a little white lie but walking in while everyone eles was already in and i was the only late one was embarrassing and so bad because i felt my self start blushing and panicking but she had already assigned seats like with names on the desks and i was all the way in the back in the right corner so thank god bc i could calm down without people being concerned or i feel like i'm being looked at bc when i'm in the back so basically the only way someone could look at me is by turning there whole body so i could see them i wouldn't be caught off guard so that was a good thing too so we were just learning class rules and people had to present them selves but the class ended so i didn't have to and it was alright i guess the other teachers were pretty chill too.
Although that present yourself  stuff was nerve wrecking it was fine until i got to my 7th period i saw him...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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