Chapter 5: My Encounter with Jesus Christ

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In the month of February 1985, we had our normal meeting in the sea, after which I decided to travel to Port Harcourt in Rivers State, to visit my late uncle's wife. I met a man called Anthony. He has a workshop at Nwaja Junction, along Trans-Amadi Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. He sent for me and since in our society we have a law never to refuse calls, I decided to answer his call. I went to him in the afternoon on a Thursday of that week. He started by saying God has given him a message for me. He brought out his Bible and started preaching. There were three other Christians seated (a male and two females). He continued his preaching for a long time and I wasn't sure I heard all he said. He asked me to kneel down for prayers. I obeyed and quietly knelt down. 

Immediately he started his prayers. I was knocked down by the spirit of God and I fell flat. I struggled up and stood like an iron. I destroyed the iron chairs inside the workshop. I looked outside and saw three of our secret society members, a man and two girls. They came in human form and moved towards the door but because of the power of God they could not enter.

I am sure the alarm in the sea alerted them of the trouble and with the T.V. they knew where the problem was and had sent the 'powerless' rescue team. This always happens when any member runs into trouble. While the two Christian men pulled me down on my knees, the girls continued praying and binding the demons, but they were not specific. They asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ, I said nothing. They asked me to call the name of Jesus, I refused. They asked me my own name and I told them. They struggled for hours and released me to go. No spirit was removed from me, so I went out the same way as when I came in. 

The Church Events

The following day being Friday, I was invited by the same Anthony to attend their night vigil at the Assemblies of God church, Silver Valley, Port Harcourt. I accepted this invitation because attending church services to cause slumber and confusion was part of our assignments. The program started

with choruses. We sang until one of the members raised a popular chorus by a particular Christian Band, of the powerlessness of other powers except Jesus' power. 

Then I started laughing. I laughed because when in the spirit I looked into their lives almost three quarters of the people singing this chorus were living in sin. I knew that because of the sins in their lives, they were exposed and could be harmed seriously by these powers. It is important that Christians obey the word of God and not allow besetting sins to remain in their lives. In that service we were four from the sea and were singing and clapping with them. Again I want to stress here that when a service is started, members should be advised first to confess their sins, then go into a period of real praises to God. This will make an agent of Satan present very uncomfortable and in fact escape for his/her life. 

In this particular service we were very comfortable and even went into operation. Many started sleeping, choruses were sung weakly and things went zig-zag. Brother Anthony had already told them about me so at about 2.00 a.m. they called me out to pray for me. As soon as I came out to the front they started pleading the blood of Jesus. I stopped them and said: “It is not pleading the blood that is the solution. I am a deep secret society member. If you agree that you can deliver me, then will I kneel down.” These words I spoke were not premeditated. The blood of Jesus scares the demons and protects the believer, but does not bind demons. Binding of demons only takes place when the Christian uses his authority and gives the command.

They agreed and I knelt down. At that point a sister led by the Sprit of God shouted and said: “If you are not worthy, do not come near!” I am sure many did not understand what she meant. It is dangerous for a Christian living in sin to cast out demons. Many withdrew and a few came out to pray for me. As they started with “In Jesus name,” I heard a big bang inside me and fell on the floor. Immediately the flying demon in me went into action. I started running with my chest. Anybody possessed with this flying demon is always very wicked and dangerous. The brethren never saw what was happening spiritually. I was running because of the stronger power in the room. 

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