Chapter 7

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All of Sunday beck kept replaying the long conversation they had over and over in his head he couldn't stop thinking about the way her eyes sparked with happiness when she laughed or smiled or talked about something she really loved

He didn't see that spark very much

He got ready as quick as possible so he could be there for when she got to school because he had a plan

He was standing by his locker looking discreetly at her locker while pretending to look at his phone when she arrived with cat

Cat quickly bounded off to go find Robbie which left jade alone and free for him to talk too

He walked over to her grinning, this time when she saw him she didn't scowl, she also didn't smile but at least it wasn't a scowl

He stopped in front of her anxiously running a hand through his hair before explaining why he was there although jade could already guess

"Look jade, I know I've already asked you out like what almost 30 times and every time you've said no but I feel like on Saturday we really like connected yknow and I like you even more now I thought I liked you before but now after seeing you really talk about something you like and seeing you happy I'm head over heels so jade will you please go on one date with me? If you say no then I'll give up and stop but if not then we'll yknow I'll be very happy" he finally finished with a small glint of hope in his eyes. He knew his chances were slim because she'd said no the other million times he'd asked

His jaw almost hit the floor when she replied

"Fine. But you really need to stop begging"

"Fine? Like-like as in yes you'll go on a date with me?"

"Want me to change my mind?"
"Oh god no"

He was so happy he wanted to kiss her right then and there but of course her didn't because that would really make her run off

She wasn't sure what had completely changed her mind. Lots of little ting put together: like the fact that he took the time to learn about her favorite movie, his smile and his boyish charm, he hadn't given up on her and still acted the same, they'd been friends for a while or maybe it was just having someone who would listen to her and really actually listen not just throw in the occasional "yeah" or "mhmm"

Those were all factors for her falling for him

The bell starting ringing so beck had to think fast

"I'll pick you up at 7, we can go to the ice cream place again, yeah?"


Jade a little bit excited now, she hadn't on a real date since, Well never at least not with someone she liked.

She liked beck

The whole day beck couldn't concentrate on anything all he could think about were her blue eyes that struck him like lightning and her gorgeous brown hair

After school he went to meet her at her locker like usual

"I'm excited, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day" he admitted grinning

She almost said she was excited too and that she was flattered by his compliment but she didn't want to sound sappy and desperate

"Ok. That's creepy"

Beck didn't reply he just kept standing there grinning and blushing

"My bus is gonna be here in 3 minutes I'll see ya tonight" he finally said after 5 minutes of watching her throw books in her locker

"See ya"

Sorry if it's crap it's 5:30 in the morning

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