1) Working it Out

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(A/N: For the record, I haven't done extensive research on graphic design companies and how their offices work so this is something I created. I also haven't looked into all the fitness practices mentioned. Keep that in mind, please :))

Words: 10,256

A graphic designer looking to improve his health v. An Instagram fitness model

#fluff #cute #comedy #steamy #inspirational #interracial

"If you don't lose 70lbs within the first week of Amethyst Jewel's Fat Begone, you'll get your money back guaranteed!"

Michael's mouth was set into a flat line, unimpressed by the advertisement playing on the TV.

"Amethyst Jewel's Fat Begone changed my life! These humongous pants used to be mine!"

At the sight of the woman's flat stomach and taught arms, Michael looked down at his own body. The light brown skin on his stomach was far from firm. While he didn't consider himself overweight, he couldn't help but notice that the fat went over his belt. Feeling along his back, he suddenly became self-conscious of the rolls there.

Was this what a healthy person looked like? He wondered, his mood plummeting the longer he looked at the slim brunette.

While she didn't help anything, Michael couldn't blame the girl on the screen. For months now, the twenty-seven-year-old has been questioning his lifestyle and, most of all, his fitness. Michael was a graphic designer and the job didn't require a lot of fitness. The healthy ones in Michael's field were the people who knew how to keep their backs from aching every two days. So he doubted this culture helped him stay healthy at all.

He let out a soft sigh of relief when the ad was finished and he could finally get back to his show. But as the minutes passed, Michael couldn't relax. The ad had unsettled him and made him feel restless. It took a few moments for Michael to identify the odd emotion as guilt. Guilt for living his life this way.

It was pitiful, really. One was taught that once you got the job, the career, and the money, you would be happy and satisfied. Yet, with a stable job, comfortable apartment, and a cat who liked water, he wasn't happy. Michael cursed, turning off the TV and heading for his kitchen. He didn't want to think about it any longer. He'd much rather just make himself some food and head to bed.

However, as he warmed up some pasta he made the previous day, letting the cold noodles heat up again, he couldn't let the thoughts go. Flashes of insecure moments in front of the mirror and clothes getting too small came into his mind. How many things has he had to give away in the past few years? Has his body changed that much?

In a matter of minutes, Michael became fully convinced that he had messed up his life. Now, it would be impossible for him to shake the emotion. As he stuffed the day-old meal into his mouth, Michael began going online to find workout videos. The number of options was a bit overwhelming but Michael also felt a bit excited about it. He was excited for a change.

Although a bit rash, this decision wasn't uncalled for. Michael had been feeling listless for the past several months and finally, it seemed like he may be able to fix it.

Nearly two hours later, Michael found himself deeply immersed in the fitness world. Somewhere along the way, he had stumbled across fitness Instagram which proved to be a bright, vibrant place filled with colorful smoothie bowls and matching workout bras and tights. And the men, that was something else.

Whether lean and toned or bulky and strong, the men had amazing bodies. Michael was all too happy to use the excuse of research to ogle at these guys. When Michael almost posted a comment about wanting a certain model in his bed, he started to laugh at how comfortable he now was with his sexuality. Growing up with a Congolese mother and a Filipino father who were both devout Christians, Michael had ignored his feelings for years. It was only after getting the backlash from becoming a graphic designer and not a lawyer like his Maman wanted that he'd been able to come to terms with their disappointment. While he loved them, Michael had to do what was best for him. The rest of his siblings could handle the straight responsibilities.

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