Chapter 11:

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Me and Johnny were the last ones up so we got dishes. We had to do them quick, me and him were going to get a job together to help out all of us, money wise. Darry offered to drop us off if we did dishes in time. We got them done as they were starting to get around for work, we asked if they can still drive us. Next thing I know I'm in the department store getting a job. Cam already worked there, she was at the register working. I have to admit I was scared, no fear, I gave them our names and practically hired us right there for the fire thing. Yeah we got hired, as people refilling shelves and helping customers. It wasn't a bad job, quite fun actually, they said we start tomorrow and with that we were tuning down the street to the DX station, and saying we'll see you later to Cam. We told them the news and they hugged us, Johnny was still confused about hugs, he didn't hug back. Soda and Darry had to get back to work so we ended up alone at my house. "Hey Johnny," I said as we enter the living room, "you still weird with hugs huh?" I say, am I stupid can't we talk about something else, God brain. "Yeah." he says looking at the ground. I look at him,

"Here, like this." I say walking up to him and I placed his shaky little hands on my hips and put my hands on the back of his neck. I pull him close, and our face inches away, our lips interlock with each others. I tilt my head a little, and soon I feel his tongue on my lips, my eyes open wide. I open my mouth and he is now discovering my inside of my mouth. I shut my eyes soothingly, feeling his soft lips, and tongue, on, and in, my mouth. "Johnny." I moan as we pull away panting looking at the ground, I blush red and so does he. "Pony, I'm sorry, I dont know wh-" he started I cut him off,

"No need to be sorry." I say kissing him again, I discovered his mouth this time. Each kiss I heard a nice soothing moan from Johnny. "Pony..." He moans and I pulled away that, and kissed his, head his hair tickled my upper lip. "Can never keep your sexy hair back." I could have hit my self if I could, he's older than me. Yet there is still a part of me that says age is a number, love is love, and this is right. I can't believe I said that, but Johnny stood there shocked. He wrapped his hands around my waist, and we stand in a soothing hug. Then I think if...I mean when, the gang finds out what will they say? Will they hate us? I get worried and I guess I looked it or something because Johnny asked if I was okay. I tell him everything and he pulled me close, "Well then, Pony," he says as he holds me, "they won't find out."

"Johnny," I say pitifully "at one point they'll find out. I want to be more than a couple..." I say, BRAIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING THINK BEFORE YOU TALK! "I just hope what I said doesn't ruin anything that we have together." THATS WHAT COME UP WITH HOW CHEESY!

"It doesn't because I do to." He says, he don't just love me he was in deep love with me. Then I felt his arms reach across and give me a a hug, and I buried my face in his chest. I heard a soft cry from him, "Johnny," I say reaching out of the hug looking at him, he was tearing up, "what's wrong?"

"No ones ever wanted to be my friend, and your the first person to understand me. You understand me, sunsets, love, and you also aren't like a soc. You are a greaser but, you don't break the law, and steal, you understand me, because you understand yourself."

"Johnny, it ain't that you don't steal or stuff like that. It's that someone came along to take the time to understand you, that was like you. All that time at the church, I finally got to understand you. Don't cry Johnny." I say hugging him, I teared up, "don't cry."

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