Turn On's?

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Tsukki: Oya?

Owl: Oya Oya?

Idiot: Oya Oya Oya?

Blueberry: Why am I here?

Idiot: Oh yes! If you must know!

Tsukki: Yes thats why were asking dipshit

Deadchi: Language

Kageyama: Japanese 

Tsukki: Nice king

Kageyama: I try

Deadchi: Why do you only get along when yall make fun of me!😭😭😭😭

Kageyama: I have No Idea what your talking about

Tsukki: I'll have to agree with king you sound like a lunitic

Kageyama: Yea

Idiot: Anyway!

Owl: What are ya'll biggest turn ons?

Idiot: Bro :(

Owl: Sry Bro :(

Tsukki: What.    The.       Actual.      Fawk.

Blueberry: Hmm. I am Curious.

Deachi: I have too admit me too

Deadchi: Alright! We'll go in a circle

Iwa-Chan: Bitch how?

Deadchi: Iwazumi first

Iwa-chan: Bitc-

Deadchi: Or I can tell Oika-

Iwa-chan: Fine. Hmm 

Iwa-chan: I'll have to say when they're underneath you teary with lidded eyes, panting, and blushing like Mad calling out your name in either Pain, pleasure, or both. 

Blueberry: Okay, but like that's just overall hot

Deadchi: ^

Idiot: Eh. I prefer collers & leashes with cat ears for my little kitten. I just want to pound him into the next year. Treat him like a rag doll on the sheets ya know. He probably thinks of me as an older brother tho, considering the way I take care of him.

Tsukkishima: I prefer pet names for my sweet yams! Treat him like the whole world then make him wish he never had legs. I'll make him wear a bunny boy suit as he's serving me his master. Weither he wants to or not.

Omi-kun: Honestly, I don't think it would be a good idea for me.

Iwa-chan: Why?

Omi-kun: Imagine being 10.7 inchs.

Deadchi: Fr

Idiot: Damn! Omi Omi's PACKIN"

Omi-kun: 1-don't call me that 2-I don't want to hurt him because the minuet I get him I just know I'm going to lose control!

Blueberry: Oh Sh!t


Tsukki: What happened king

Blueberry: I didn't think about size

Tsukki: Oh...I didn't either

Tsukki: Well that's yams part to deal with

Blueberry: Yea, I guess your ur right

Deadchi: I swear you kids are gonna be the death of me

Blueberry: How can you take care of someone

Tsukki: Whose already dead😗😎

Owl: Woah- NICE KILL

Iwa-chan: I think you guys killed him again

Deadchi: For the LAST TIME Im not DEAD😭😭

Idiot: OK. SuRe

AsaJesus: Hey gu-

Asajesus: No

                                                    *Asajeus has left the chat*

Deadchi: Oh no you don't

                                                   *Asajesus has been forced to stay in the chat*

Asajesus: Ya'll NASTY NASTY😭😭😭

Asajesus: I just want Noya to be happy DAMN(bullshit)

Deadchi: Uh. huhhh. I call bullshit.

Tsukki: Its not nice to lie Azumane-Senpai

Idiot: Bro >:)

Owl: Brooo >;)

Idiot: oOoOOh is he talking about that cute little libero

Asajesus: Cut-

Owl: Yea the one with the nice ass

Asajesus: aS-

Idiot: Oh the ones where his nipples were showing last time

Owl: Yea they were bright pink  think..so cut but not cuter than AGAAASSHHII

Deadchi: Wait...a damn minute

Asajesus: ...

Deadchi: You guys really shouldn't provoke him like tha-

Asajesus: If one of you guys even touch Yuu I will personally rip out you Esophgus slowly, break all of your bones and watch you die slowly.And don't you dare compare another person to my yuu 'kay.

Idiot: Mom pick me up I'm scared

Deadchi: Uughhh, Do you know how much an angry asahi is to deal with

Tsukki: The king, Sawamura-san, and I had to stop him beating someone half to deaf because of what was said about the midgit.

Kageyama: It would've had a lot less blood if you stepped in earlier, but no you had to get gloves and a mask

Omi: Bitch I would've done the same myself, CoROnA BiCTh

Asahi: Ok! I'm calm.

Deadchi: Yea, after I ran to your hose and gave you an photo of N-

Asahi: Shuuussshh🙈🙈

Blueberry: You can't be acting all shy now 👀

Asajesus: What do you mean?



Asajesus: haha oops-

Iwa-chan: bye☠️

A/N: Omy god I really did Kuroo dirty and bullied daich in this but whatever! I might take request on what I should do on the next chapter so if you want to then feel free too---->



On that note bye!

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