Chapter 8

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"Everyone put this on and head out to the field."


Everyone all in unison ask out loud, except me of course, since ya know,

I know the plot...

I looked unbothered as I sat in his desk while he explained what's about to go down. I followed Aizawa outside while the rest of the class went to the locker rooms to change. As we finally made it to our intended location he turns to me and says,

"As you know, Principal Nezu declared that you wee to be enrolled in this school effective immediately, which is why you are already wearing the uniform for this activity. I don't care if you just got received your quirk today,I still want you to participate in what we are about to do."

I return him a shocked expression and question him as to why. He looked unbothered and looked at me matter of factly.

"You are now a student and you will participate in everything now, do I make myself clear?"

I nodded my head slowly sighing as I put my head down in defeat.

What the fuck am I gonna do, I literally suck ass in physical activities. Now that I'm here though, I'm going to be even worse since they do hardcore shit.

Someone end my suffering now, please anyone..

I hear the steps of multiple people so I raise my head up to watch as everyone starts huddling up to where we are, now in their new sports wear. Finally as everyone is now huddled up, he gives them the big news.


Everyone's face was now a mixture of shock and disbelief. The worse one was none other than Deku himself. He looked absolutely mortified, shaking from where he stands. I can feel the nervousness and fear emanating off him in huge waves. Everyone was busy asking questions and wondering what to do in this situation, that I decided to slip through and stand beside my green haired fellow. He was too busy in his own thoughts that he never noticed me until I tapped on his shoulder. He snapped his head up so fast I thought he would get whiplash. 

"Hey Midoriya, don't worry about the test, I'm pretty nervous myself to be honest. I think you'll do great and just so you know, I'll be cheering you on in the sidelines. And don't worry about whether or not you'll be able to use your quirk well, I myself just got mine today and I have no idea how to properly use it as well."

There, that should be encouraging enough, right?

Oh wait, oh fuck...

Did I just, ooops.

I focused on the now wide-eyed male, who's looking back at me with absolute shock and many questions seemed to be written all over his face. He furrows his brows and comes in closer, I'm assuming so no one can hear what he wants to ask me.

"Y/n, what do you mean you just got your quirk today? Also, what did you mean when you said not to worry about me being able to use my quirk well? How do you know that I'm not very well used to using my quirk. Y/n, may I please ask again,
Who are you really?"

Well, so much for trying to keep my secret on the low.

I refocus from my thoughts and face the now confused yet determined boy who's trying to find out who I truly am. I let out a huge sigh as I dare to tell him this.

This is going to be a huge risk. Am I really going to do this.

Shit. Guess I am.

"Deku I-"

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