Chapter.4 Work study, secrets and Visit

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Izuku PoV is

Today I had to visit the Nighteye agency to apply for a work study and I also had the concerted to help prep for so it's going to be stressful for me so but I'm with Mirio walking to the agency and he told me that I should try and make sir Nighteye laugh well that will be difficult because I'm not that good with comedy but i can try

When we got In there I saw the sidekick bubblegirl strapped to a machine which was tickling here while sir nighteye watched and I thought this was weird but he noticed me so I introduced myself while doing an All might impression but he wasn't happy and thought I was making fun of him so I explained that my impression of All might was the one from the vinegar riverbank incident

After explaining myself he made bubblegirl and Mirio leave the room and he gave me a challenge to join his agency so I accepted

Meanwhile back at UA

3rd person PoV

Jiro was still trying to uncover Izuku midoriya's secret and she decided to ask bakugo about his own appearance on present mic's radio show with the singer まふまふ but when she asked questions about it bakugo kept to the story which was made up for them and it was that he met まふまふ when he saved him from a moving car but when she asked about the VIP pass which was given to him he said that he would receive it tomorrow and he left her without answering anymore questions so she tried to get back into midoriya's room to find clues but when she got inside she decided to search everything which would open but she couldn't find much until she saw that his computer was still logged in so she clicked on it and it was just a normal computer desk top so she decided to check something

She went into files and saw a file named

Concert timetable 4/10

When she clicked on it it showed when and what songs would be played/sung for the upcoming Vocaliod concert but before she could get more information a hand was placed on her shoulder and it was her home room teacher Mr Aizawa who looked annoyed but when he asked what she was doing she had no choice but to say the truth

Jiro- I was trying to find the secret Midoriya is hiding sir

Aizawa- well he have a common goal because that was what I was doing

Jiro- w-what?

Aizawa- you heard me I know Midoriya is hiding something and All might definitely know because when I asked him he panicked but I couldn't get anything out of him anyway what did you find?

Jiro- well he has a timetable for the upcoming Vocaliod concert which is strange because the only people who would have this is the ones who are singing or playing the instruments and the managers but why does he have this

Aizawa- is this all you know?

Jiro- no I saw a while back that there was a bit of white in his hair plus his room looks a lot like that new Vocaliod which was on mic-sensei's radio show

Aizawa- hmm well he is currently trying to apply for a work study so we have time have you checked anything else on his computer because when I was in here last I know he was doing something but I couldn't find out

Jiro- yeah plus when he fought one of the Big 3 he was so determined to get that phone I found in here but I don't know if he has it on him

Aizawa- I was also wondering about that but I never got to asking him but have you tried looking in that locked drawer there

Aizawa pointed to the obvious locked drawer and Jiro shook her head and she went to try and pick the lock but while she was doing so Aizawa looked around the room and spotted something

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