Walk In the Autumn Night

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A/N: I know that the title is cheesy, but it's all I can think of lol.

The night lights above you and Momo enhanced her features. Her raven hair was down, and her outfit was casual, despite the other outfits you had seen her in, her uniform and her hero costume. "You look nice with you hair down." You complimented. Momo looked at you in surprise.

"Really? I thought I would look strange." She responded. You frowned and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Really." 

She smiled and looked you over before speaking again. "You have pretty eyes." 

You averted your eyes and crossed your arms. "I think they're average, but thanks." You responded. Momo sighed and played with her phone in her hands. What was she anxious about? You wouldn't hurt her intentionally. Maybe you accidently were intruding on her personal space. 

You took a few steps to the right and continued to walk, making Momo slightly confused. Did she do something wrong? "Are you uncomfortable around me?" She questioned, slight hurt in her eyes. You shook your head. 

"No! You're actually better than my parents, and the idiots they want me to be with, platonically or romantically." You informed. Momo gave you a concerned look. "Are they really that bad?" She asked. 

You looked down and sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Depends on what you mean by 'bad'." You answered. She looked away before grabbing your hand, leading the both of you to a nearby cafe. 

"If you want to, we can chat about it in here. I wouldn't want to pry, especially when we haven't been friends for that long." Momo suggested. 

The scent of cinnamon enveloped the two of you as you entered. Tired and underpaid employees waved at the two of you as you sat down. You internally debated whether you wanted to tell her. Did you even have a right to complain? You were better off than others.

You sighed and played with the menu. Momo gently grabbed your hand and threw random things in your palm with her thumb softly. You looked up in shock, and blushed, then hid your face with the menu.

Why were you blushing?

A/N: Cause you are homo for Momo lol.

Momo raised an eyebrow, removing her hand to avoid making you uncomfortable. "I apologize, I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable." She said. You put down the menu and picked at your skin, averted your eyes, and shook your head. 

"It didn't make me uncomfortable, I'm just not used to it." You informed. 

"Being touched?" Momo questioned, her concern raising. You shook your head. 

"No, getting comfort." You informed. She smiled and once again gently grabbed your hand, repeating what she had done before. 

"Well, whenever you feel anything, I want to be there to either celebrate or comfort you. Never hesitate to call me." 

You gave a slightly shocked expression before fully grabbing Momo's hand. "Thank you. And do the same if you need or want." 

She smiled and called over the waiter. He walked over and smiled. "What can I get for you ladies?" They asked, pulling out a notepad. You looked at the menu, then at Momo. 

"I'll pay. What do you want?" You questioned. Momo shook her head and pulled out her own wallet .

"We'll split the bill. And I'll have a simple black coffee." Momo responded. 

You shook your head and ordered some tea, four sandwiches, and a full box of pastries. "You must be hungry!" Momo said as the waiter walked away. You smiled and shook your head. 

"Not much right now. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get hungry, I hate eating in front of people when they have nothing to eat." You informed. Momo smiled and pulled out her phone, and moved to sit next to you. She held it up and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

 "Want to take a picture?" She asked. 

You nodded and leaned forward. She held up her phone and opened the camera. The two of you genuinely smiled and took the picture. Momo set it as her wallpaper and sent it to you. "You have a pleasant smile." She said. You smiled once more. 

"So do you." 

The waiter brought back your orders, and you handed Momo a sandwich, which she gratefully ate. The two of you continued to chat about school, past relationships, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and general information about quirks. 

Finally, it was around one in the morning and the cafe was about to close, so you packed up the remaining snacks and beverages, paid while also leaving a large tip, and walked Momo outside. 

"I had a lot of fun!" You told her. She yawned and nodded her head in agreement. 

"I had fun too. We should do this more often." She suggested. You yawned and also nodded your head, pulling out your phone to call a taxi.

"You know, Y/n, you are actually pleasant to be around." Momo said out of nowhere.

You looked at her and gave a small smile. "Thanks, you are too. I haven't had this much fun in years. Literally." You responded. Momo smiled and a few more minutes passed before the taxi you had ordered had arrived. The two of you got in and spoke to the driver, who was a middle-aged woman. 

"How are you doing?" The woman asked, starting up the car. 

"We're doing well." Momo answered. The woman nodded and drove towards Momo's home. 

Once she got there, she smiled at the two of you. "You two look like grand friends!" She said. You smiled at the woman and pulled out your wallet. 

"Thank you, miss." You said. She smiled and took the payment, then drove off, leaving you and Momo to look at each other for a moment, before speaking once more. "Goodnight, Y/n." She said. You smiled. 

"Goodnight, Momo." 

A/N: Sorry for not updating for almost a week!

Fancied: Momo Yaoyorozu x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now