Nope 2

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A/N: Idk if Red is a little OC here. I've never written from her point of view before so you guys will have to let me know what you think. Enjoy!


Red took another step forward only for Lappland to lurch back. The white wolf before her snarled, yanking her swords out of their sheathes and poising them threateningly in her direction. Red didn't even bother flinching at the action, nor was she perturbed by the animalistic growls Lappland left out. Being a hunter, especially of wolves, she had seen this behavior before. She knew what to expect here, even if Lappland was supposedly unpredictable.

If I wish to fluff the tail I must calm her down.

Kal'tsit watched from off to the side. She seemed unwilling to get involved, which was just fine. As much as Red loved her adoptive mother, her involvement here was more likely to escalate things in the wrong direction. So she would do her best on her own. Just behave. Be kind, like Frostleaf told you. Do not act scary or creepy.

"I mean no harm Lappland." Red started.

"Yeah right. You wish to kill other wolves. And I am a wolf, so I'm not gonna believe you for a second." Lappland kept on growling. If she was a full on wolf her fur would be standing on end, bristling with outrage and tightly concealed terror.

She sighed. "I promise. All I want—"

"Is to pet my tail? Pssh. That doesn't even make any sense."

Every step Red took toward Lappland resulted in a step back from the white wolf. They were both approaching a wall. She wondered what would happen if the other wolf backed into it. There was a bookshelf there, crammed to the brim with books. Dust swathed the ones on the uppermost shelf. An abandoned ladder lay on the ground, one of its wheels broken, the others aged with rust. Years ago she had loved climbing up and down this very ladder. Back then her only objective in this room was furthering her love for reading. The stories in novels took her to other places. In those tales she imagined herself in a land faraway from the troubles of Terra. It was an escapist's dream, foolish but with good intentions.

This has good intentions too. If she would just here me out . . .

Deciding to switch up tactics, she began once more.

"Wolves are creatures of habit, pure instinct is what rules most our decisions."

"Okay . . ."

Lappland had stopped in place. Her swords were still raised but they still hardly bothered Red. They likely never would. She knew how to easily get rid of those if it became necessary anyways. It took little effort to disarm someone if you had the know how after all. And she had the know how. The multiple knives stashed in her coat were itching to be used again. She'd have to visit the training level later, after this was over with. Maybe Lappland would come with her someday. She wanted more friends.

"And caring for each other . . . that is part of that instinct. Red, I-I haven't had other wolves in my life for long time. You haven't either. Not since your parents died I presume?"

Lappland growled, tail lashing again as she bared her teeth. "Don't you dare mention them! And don't say that! It's not true! I-I have someone." Sadness with an exhale as something became somber in Lappland's expression. "I had someone. She . . . we were together. It's not any of your business."

And indeed it wasn't. Every step forward with Lappland was proving to be two steps backward. She really needed to get a better grip on the situation, especially with the endgame she had in mind.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Red said simply.

The growl died; the lashing stopped. "How can you be sorry when you've killed so many of our kind?"

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