Chapter 1

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Beck Oliver stood with his schedule in his hand in the middle of the Hollywood arts main hallway on the very first day of school feeling extremely confused and nervous. He had auditioned almost three months ago with his passion being acting and with his luck he managed to be one of the 30 kids that got accepted each new school year

He had found a map of some sort on line that made a little sense the but now that he was there it made no sense. Every thing looked backwards, he looked up from the paper to see if anyone looked as confused as him.

To his left he saw a girl with bright red hair and what looked like Tupperware containers with springs in them on her feet bouncing around laughing hysterically at nothing. How did someone like her make the cut?

"Weird" he thought but then quickly pushed her out of his mind when He saw an even stranger sight of a curly haired boy arguing with a ventriloquist dummy on his hand About his pants ahead of him

He really started to wonder if there was anyone normal at this arts school

He looked around a bit more and thankfully found a boy with dreads sitting on what he guessed was the main staircase with a keyboard in his lap talking to 6 other kids. He seemed nice enough and normal the only problem was that he was already talking to people and he didn't want to interrupt so that only left two other people. A blonde boy kicking dents into his locker a couple feet from him or an average looking girl standing by a locker that was closed and half painted black scrolling through her phone and sipping a cup of jet brew coffee

He figured the girl would be the best option well better than the angry boy at least, he slowly made his way across the hall to her and cleared his throat to get her attention. Her head snapped up to meet his gaze with a scowl plastered on her face which was something he didn't expect

"I'm not moving out of your way" she spat

Beck just continued staring at her. The first thing he noticed when he saw her face was her piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare deep into his soul and the two face piercings that also adorned her face. She was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen, way prettier than all the girls that had thrown themselves at him the second he walked in. The way her eyes and hair streaks stuck out against her all dark attire was stunning to him. Eventually after a few seconds he remembered why he had walked over in the first place

"You gonna go around me or just keep staring?"

"Oh right uh hi I'm beck I was wondering if you knew were sikowitzs class is?" He asked stuttering a bit and running an anxious hand through his hair

"Why would I help you?" She challenged, looking back down at her phone

"Uh cause I'm can find it?" He guessed. He really didn't understand her. She definitely wasn't as nice as she looked

She wasn't easy. He liked that

"And why is that suddenly my problem?" She asked again finally looking up from her phone only to glare at him more

"Well Yknow you were the only person around who wasn't... busy" she still looked like she wanted to murder him but he still felt oddly calm "what's your name? I'm beck"

"You already told me your name. Don't repeat yourself it sounds dumb"

"Oh sorry, but what's your name?" He tried again

"I just told you not to repeat yourself and look what you did. And I'm not telling you my name because why would I tell my name to someone who can't even read room numbers" she pointed out, gesturing to the numbers on his schedule which still hung loosely in his hand

"Oh right" he said sheepishly smiling a bit. He has completely forgotten their were numbers on it. Or maybe he just wanted to talk to the mystery girl

"So what's your first class?" He said attempting to keep the conversation going

"Why are you still talking to me?" She asked finally putting away her phone and crossing her arms over her chest

"Well, we still have a bit till class starts and you weren't talking to anyone so I figured you needed someone to talk to"

"I don't like talking to people"

Beck still couldn't wrap his head around her and why she already hated him so much even though they hadn't really talked. She definitely wasn't shy so why did she have such a strong hate for him already.

"Why do you ha-"

He was about to ask why she hated him so much but the strange bell noise this school had cut him off

She didn't say anything, just pushed past him to head off to her first class

Beck let out a sigh before adjusting his bag and looking down at the schedule to try to follow the room numbers

So I got sad earlier when I realized I would have no more bade to write but then I thought of like three new books to write and got happy again

This book probably won't be more than ten chapters so I hope you liked the first one

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