When she woke up

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Toph POV:
I was walking back and forth frantically I couldn't stop Thinking about Y/N it's been 3 days and she's hasn't woken up yet Aang hasn't been sleeping or eating he's to worried about her ever since the fight happened the mood has changed for everyone Katara has been moving slower and hasn't made and nasty or mom like remarks, Sokka wasn't cracking jokes anymore, Aang wasn't having fun and he's not using air bending like he usually is, as for me I haven't left Y/N side Katara has been coming over to check on me and give me food but Y/N's healing sessions haven't been working  what if she never wakes up what do

I felt hand hand on mine when I opened my eyes I look at mine hand then looked at who the other hand belonged to I saw a familiar face
The face looked at mine and I felt a few tears on my face "Y/N your awake!" She hugged me tightly then called for everyone they all ran into the tent and hugged me as well I don't understand what happened " hey guys why are you all hugging me" I asked clueless they looked at me with odd expressions then Sokka said " you don't remember anything?" I nodded my head in a no movement but Aang didn't care if I didn't remember he just wanted to be with me Aang started crying and hugging me tightly I hugged him back but when I moved myself to hug him I felt so much pain and I yelled Katara tried to do something and I fainted again

1 month later (sorry for a huge time skip)
Toph POV
I was hanging out with a chick I found while walking around ba sing se her name was kalta she was cool when Y/N woke up I was goi to introduce them to each other " hey toph are you alright is it Y/N again" kalta asked me
" yeah it is I can't stop thinking about her she was my best friend" toph started to take out the headband in her hair to show it to kalta
" she gave this to me I haven't taken it off since" kalta hugged me and I hugged her back and was holding back my tears
At the camp site
"Hey guys we're back" but no one answers me then I felt Katara running to us happily then she told us " Y/N's AWAKE, Y/N's AWAKE"!!
We immediately ran towards the tent and she saw us
I saw Katara coming back with toph and some girl I shined a smile and toph punched me
I yelped in pain toph's eyes were filled with anger I could tell she wasn't happy with something then she ran out of the tent and into her own
" I'm going to check up on her" Suki said
Suki POV
I was walking over to toph's rock tent and I heard her weeping and crying I asked her what was wrong and she opened up her rock tent and gestures me to come inside again I asked her what was wrong and she responded with a said tone " I've been waiting for her to wake up but then I remembered she left me for days and I" she cut herself off and I hugged her she didn't hug back but just cried into my shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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