What's up....

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Cookie: that stupid security lady was all like "you can't bring these" and then she takes all my fucking keychains!

Skylar: why are you still having a grudge against her?

Cookie: cuz that stupid lady stole my keychains! They aloud me to have them the last time! And all they worried about last time was a bag on coins on my backpack anyways!

Skylar: geez,hater much?

Cookie: YOU! SHUT UP! What if some stupid lady took your...your...cookies away?!

Skylar: I can get some more when we get to the hotel

Cookie: BUT! What if they didn't have cookies?!

Skylar: Ok! THAT! Is impossible!

Cake: Or Is it?

Skylar: when did you get here? I thought you were busy 'baking n shitz'

Cake: I was. And then I finished so I cake back

Cookie: Great! More people to annoy!

Cake: Oh Thanks-Wait Hey!

Cookie: pf, whatever, anyways. I'll just reorder those keychains on amazon again!

Cake: so you'll wait two days in Korea and then do it?

Cookie: ME? WAIT?! Uh...No. I, for one, does not know of this 'waiting'

Cake: so you don't have patience?

Cookie: what's this 'patience' you speak of? It's not my dictionary anywhere *flipping threw a huge book that says 'fucking dictionary' on it*

Skylar: It means that yo-you know what Never mind, it's not like your going to understand or remember anyway

Cookie: totally
So! Anyways guys! I'm on my way to Korea, aka I'm in the airport so after like...four days..? I'll be back on! So-


Skylar: Kay? Bai!

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