02 | aloha aloha

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STATUS: Cover in use.

TITLE: Aloha Aloha

AUTHOR: lukessly

"Aloha means hello, goodbye, and..."


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Keanna is almost 17 when One Direction, the world's biggest boyband, have some vacations after their tour in the same island where she lives, Hawaii. At first, when Harry met her, she meant almost nothing to him. But destiny had other plans for them. Everything kept pushing them together, like magnets, and everything kept pushing Harry toward smiles, laughter, small adventures... tears, worries, surprises, secrets. Because her smile was one of the prettiest, and, well, the prettiest smiles hide the most secrets.

PROGRAM(S) USED: Adobe Photoshop CS6

RESOURCE(S): Google, Deviantart

BOOK COVER: ©kyladava

BOOK: ©lukessly

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