Chapter 5

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The last of summer steam-rolled through Boston, leaving the city withered and smelling in its wake. Late September in Boston was always oppressive, and knowing I was leaving in October made the days feel extra long and sticky.

Today the temperature was a roasting 85 degrees. Sweat pooled down the small of my back as I waited in front of Swish's glass doors for Ryder Scott to grant me entry.

Come on, at least let me wait in the air-conditioned lobby! I voiceless begged him with my eyes.

I'd been to the Swish office a few times now to do admin like HR paperwork and setting up our travel schedule with the office travel agent.

Clack! Clack! Clack! I rattled the glass with my knuckles in a quick series of cracks. Though I had been to the office before, Ryder refused to give me a key card to the office. ("It's for full-time employees only," he had insisted—even after I cited that even the regular FedEx delivery guy had his very own entry card.)

"I am going to be late," I mouthed through the glass at Ryder, the heat stealing the last of my patience. Today was my first one-on-one with Stasia since the interview.

Ryder took his time pressing the door's release switch, but finally with exaggerated effort, he stretched his pointer finger to press the button and buzz me in.

I rushed the cool sanctuary, my skin delighting the arctic chill of the subzero temperature. I took a starfish pose and let the air flood over me.

"What, did you jog here?" Ryder said by way of greeting. "You've got pit stains all over your fast fashion." (He thought he was insulting me, but sadly the dress really was fast fashion.)

"Hilarious," I told him maintaining my starfish posture with closed eyes. The cold air was giving me damn-near sexual release.

"What can I say, I get a kick out of seeing you sweat, Valens." Of course, Ryder was one of those call-you-by-your-last-name type of bros. (Who's surprised?)

"Wait until you're on-site and the pressure's really on. I just know you're going to screw it up, and I kind of can't wait to watch it all go up in flames."

"Stop trolling me, " I snapped. "Is Stasia ready for our meeting?"

"She's been in the conference room waiting while you've been dicking around out here."

"Shit," I said more to myself than Ryder, but he heard and sniggered. I ran-walked to the conference room where Stasia was thumbing her phone.

"Sloane," she said by way of greeting. "Sloane Valens, freelance campaign producer."

Well, well, doesn't that just sound awesome?! I thought while sitting and smoothing down my dress over my thighs. Would asking for business cards be overkill?

As if she sensed the uptick of pride, Stasia quickly cut me down: "It's a generous title. As I said, the hard work has already been done for you."

I nodded solemnly and retrieved my kit from my bag. In a neat row, I laid out a crisp new notebook, a felt tip pen, a backup regular pen, and my phone.

Stasia blinked at me and then heaved a sigh. "Now that we've got the admin out of the way—company expense policy, travel schedule, etcetera, let's launch into it. I want to debrief you on the talent. We've hired Brooke B. to be the face of the launch. What's your read on her, Sloane?"

Prior to today's meeting, I had done research on all the top social media influencers who focus on travel, but even before my research, I knew who Brooke B. was. Everyone knew who Brooke B. was.

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