January 14, 2015

86 3 4

Well shit that was a crazy 24 hours. So I have some good news to tell everybody! About half an hour ago, I received a phone call from the hospital saying that they made a mistake. At first I didn't understand what they meant by that so they explained it to me. Basically what happened what they found was mucus in my lungs in which I could just treat with antibiotics and that I don't have cancer.

Naturally my reaction was that I started crying from happiness, however, there was something I didn't get. How did the doctors come up with the theory that I actually had lung cancer?

As it turns out, there was another woman with the same name as me who came in for the same problem I had. I am sorry to say that Kimberly Alvarez has lung cancer. So tonight I want everybody that read this to pray for her just like I'm gonna do tonight before I go to sleep.

I'm really sorry if the message is short and confusing, it's just that I'm freaking out right now over a health scare.

Thanks for all the Love and Support guys
- K.J. Tedder

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