Introduction: Once Again

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One: How could they betray me,

My fist gently nudges the cold, cement wall caked in sticky molds of various colors.

Two: They left me to rot,

I pull back my fist and hitting harder this time. Still it was not enough; not even the mold caked on moved an inch.

Three: They said I was weak,

I punch with more force knocking off one segment of the mold.

Four: They mock me once again,

Harder now my knuckles begin to redden as the cement grows warm from my touch.

Five:  That whore left me,

Small chips of cement stick to my sweaty knuckles as I apply more force.

Six: He sits there playing the hero while I rot,

My hand now numb with pain, sending tingling waves down my arm.

Seven:  They turned me in,

Ignoring the pain I continue with more force taking off a larger portion of the mold and wall chips.

Eight: He locked me back up,

My skin peels off the dark red knuckles. Small drops of blood glisten upon them as the raw meat stings with every touch of cool air.

Nine:  The weaklings think they're better,

With all my rage I strike the wall breaking my knuckles, creating a small dent in the wall that only reveals another layer of cement.

Ten: I was forgotten.....

I lay my palm flat on the wall, trying to stretch each finger. Every little twitch or movement burned deep into my hand,spreading throughout my arm, creating  tingling sensations. The coolness of wall soothing yet painful. I want more yet I wish for it to vanish. Warm, crimson streams slowly make their way down my arm . A few drops run astray and slide down the bleak walls.No matter the path each stream takes they all end up as drops on the dirty floor., splattering at contact. How useless the troubled journey truly was for there was nothing great to show for the effort. 

How pathetic I have become. Once a ruler of my own planet, but now just reduced to a blubbering fool who cradles himself in the dark corners of his cell. Even here alone in the quiet I have yet to find my own peace. I'm always haunted by my past failures that never seem to let up. Worst off all is the deep lack of respect I face each and everyday. The fact that I even move on is a miracle.

Though my eyes are shut I can feel another presence arise in the cell. Unsure of what to say or do it  simply stands there dumb watching with inquisitive eyes. I dare not disturb the silent one for once I move or even acknowledge this foul beast it shall torment me. Oh why must I share a cell with such  a moronic soul. 

A light stutter escapes the silent one as he attempts to speak, but found no words that made much sense. With a long sigh, I keep my eyes close and address the fool. "Just spit it out, Bubba! I'm in no mood for you!"

Another long pause as my words echo. Finally, after another few minutes wasted of him saying "um.." repeatedly  he speaks not well, but he speaks.

"Well ya see Snot  I sees ya there all sad and bleeding and I thoughts ya was dead."

That word, that one word brought me back. I no longer was in the putrid cell, but instead was a few years back in that damn cell yard. The screaming, the pain, the fact that I was airborn and back to the ground in great force felt all so real. Oh how they mocked me and called me that pathetic name. 'snot, Snot, SNOT!'

"Arghhh! You stupid son of bitch! How dare you call me that?" Fever ridden with rage I stand tall against him yet he still towers over me. The idiotic bear doesn't even realize his own stupidity. He stands there amused by my anger, laughing and mocking my red face and flaring nostrils. 

"What yous don't like being called Snot, huh Snot?" 

"Heh, you think that's funny huh? Well try this on for size." 

With that I punched him straight in the gut with my good hand, knocking the wind out of him. The sorry fool stumbles backwards, panting. Not for long though, he stands right back up and tall this time pissed. 

"That's not nice Snot. Looks like I got to teach you a lesson."

The fact that I'm so out of practice scares the shit out of me. This fat ass can crush me with no problem, but unlike him I have a brain and know how to use it.  I keep a calm composure on the outside and smirk at the sorry fuck.  "Bring it!"

A thundering roar breaks the sound as Bubba charges at full force. Luckily, I step aside with ease, mocking him more. Might as well have fun, right?  The red faced bear, now panting, attempts this again and successfully traps me against the wall. Crack. Aching now with intense pain so unreal that drop me to knees, puking out all types of bodily fluids including blood. 

 A gaint grin now covers his face as he steps back, looking over his job well done. He may think he has won, but he has another thing coming. With what strength I have left I force myself to stand once more and spin dash straight through his fat ass. 

The last sound heard was a blood curdling scream followed by deep silence. There I stood covered in blood, organs and everything else from that region. The poor fool now face down. His body all mangled up with a huge ass hole.

Unable to keep up my strength I drop hitting the cement floor with great force. At an instant I'm out of it, lying in a puddle of blood. Not sure whose though. 

Author's Note:  Well, here it is. The first part of Never Be Ignored rewritten. I am really curious to see what you guys think. Please let me know and thank you.

Scourge (c) Sega

Bubba belongs to me! 

Never Be Ignored..(Sonic Fanfic) (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now