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I looked forward to seeing Ty every night. She was a good distraction from the long days we'd spent digging tunnels through Camp Green Lake. Our digging shifts got longer after X-Ray turned in the gold tube I found. I'd pretend I was going to the showers when I left my tent at night and she'd meet me in the laundry room or the empty mess hall. We got along well, remaining low key by keeping the lights off and using candles. Ty would sneak sodas from Mr. Sir's office for us to indulge.

"No one can find out about this," she'd say with a serious face, "Mr. Sir would freak." She'd make me swear to secrecy and I would. I would do anything for her. We had a few secrets. She told me about The Warden's obsession with Kissin Kate Barlow.

"The Kissin Kate Barlow?" I asked, wide eyed. She nodded while she chugged her soda.

"It's bazaar," she said, "Every newspaper clipping, pictures, old letters. She even has this journal, the one with the rain spell. I don't know how she got half of that stuff."

"That tube I – I mean X – found, do you think it belonged to her?" Ty bit her full bottom lip and shifted her eyes to the ground before looking me straight in the eye.

"I know it belonged to her," she said, "I don't know what she wants with it though. Everyone knows Kate Barlow died broke. Lou told me her grandfather watched the crazy bitch kill herself right on these grounds." She moaned and wiggled her fingers like a ghost.

"No way," I shook my head and chuckled.

"Way," she said, "That's why I stay up so late, you know? I've been having bad dreams about this place ever since me and Hector ended up here. It's bad vibes everywhere. I can feel the agony."

"Why are you telling me all of this stuff?"

"Because I know you can keep a secret," she smirked. "And once you get out of here I'll probably never see you again anyway." Her voice trailed off in realization that our friendship would be only temporary.

"It doesn't have to be that way," I reached for her hand, breathless when her bronze eyes met mine. There was a moment of silence between us. She was stunning and she liked me. I could tell. I fantasized about showing her off to the stuck up girls at school. About how she and I would walk the halls with our hands in each other's back pockets like in the movies. Our noses graced one another. Her hair was soft as rose petals and her skin smelled like coconuts.

I took a deep breath, prepared to lean in closer, when she broke eye contact and said, "You ever had your palm read?" She took my hand in hers and held my palm close to her face.

I shook my head, "My mom says that's all a bunch of superstition."

She chuckled and flipped my palm over to see it clearly in the candlelight. "You don't have many friends back home, do you?" Her smooth fingers traced the lines that covered my calloused palm.

"What makes you think that?"

"Lucky guess," she shrugged.

"What else can you tell me?"

She closed her eyes tight, her hand still in mine, "You're close to your parents. I don't see material things so it's safe to assume you don't come from money. But there is a lot of love. Your favorite color is red. You're a Gemini? No, Sagittarius. You like baseball, but you're no athlete," she chuckled, "I don't see another lady in your life so I'm guessing no girlfriends," her voice trailed off and I blushed.

"You're good," I said with a light laugh. She was right, I'd never had a girlfriend. I never kissed a girl either, although I have come close: Amy Middleton in Kindergarten. She shoved me into the mud just before our lips touched. I'm sure Ty saw that as well. I took my hand back and shoved both into my pockets before access anymore embarrassing moments.

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