I Meet The Boy of My Dreams

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That was it. It was just...summer.

The last day if school passed by in a blur, and it was just...over.

What the crap do I do with my life now?

Oh, that's right. Wait, be bored, play video games, sing, read, wait, then go on the stupid mandatory trip to God knows where.

"Come on, it won't be that bad." Tarah enthused. "I'll be there, and it's actually really fun. You'll have a blast."

"Tempting." I said sarcastically. This summer was going to be a horrible, boring, stupid disaster.

Little did I know how absolutely positively wrong I was.

Well, not on the horrible disaster part. There was many of those. Of course, seeing as how that's pretty much been my life...

The first part of the summer was dreadful. I did nothing other than complain and sulk. I, for some reason, absolutely dreaded going on this nine day trip across the country. I had this odd feeling of suspicion....

"Come on, come on, let's go!" Tarah grabbed one of my two bags and dashed across my bedroom. How was that girl always so damn pleasant??? I laughed as lightly as I could, then scooped up my other bag, and jogged after her. I threw the bag into her mothers car and jumped in, smiling tentatively at her mom. She grinned back at me, which made a bit uncomfortable, as I was never good with parents.

She was a bit silent on the ride to GBF. Tarah squirmed silently. I laughed under my breath.

"What's the matter, T?" I asked her. I could always tell when something was bothering her.

"Well, it's just..." she hesitated.


"Mylah...you know this is the trip...the trip where...-"

"the other kids from Taylorson go? I know. Don't think I'm as ignorant as to not have done my research, hon." I laughed. "Just wondering...why did you not tell me you were going on this trip?" I wondered. She shrugged. "It never came up." My eyes narrowed slightly. "Is it-"

"No! Mylah!!!!" she complained, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. I laughed, for real this time. What boys can do to a girl. I almost slipped back into my memories of my boy, but instead I told her, "We shall see." Her eyes sparkled dangerously, and I saw the mischievous glint in her eyes. "Mylah, I swear to God, you do anything, say anything to him...." she threatened, and I was genuinely a bit afraid. She had learned from the best- myself, of course- and she had learned well. That made me actually smile.

We packed our bags into the bus, filing in after all the other girls and boys. I pushed towards the back of the bus, and Tarah and I slid gratefully down into our seats, ignoring the stares of a lot of kids.

"I'm going to sleep." I murmured silently, and Tarah nodded, popping in her headphones. I closed my eyes, encircling the blanket around my body and taking a deep breath.

I ended up having a dream- these are always absolutely lovely- that shook me up.
"Can I please just....?" a voice asked desperately. "I already know the two. I just came back to ask..." I was in a dark, old room. It seemed...broken.

"Soon." a deeper voice murmured, in the shadows. "Very, very soon. The girls have become suspicious. I had hoped it would hold off for another year, but..." the voice trailed off helplessly. "You have to go with them." the voice said sharply, a hint of worry buried deep inside. "You'll let me go? Really??" the first voice said, sounding excited.

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