Prologue | Open The Door

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OKAY, if you're here to read, then just go read the newer version of this book or the rewrite which is on the same profile. This book is really badly written, but the other one is def better and less triggering themes. Or you could read this one, it's up to you. 

TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault. do not read if you find this triggering. 

I let out a shaky breath, as I bandage the new cut my dad gave me. It's on my shoulder. He threw a knife at me, and I'm so glad I dodged it in time. Or I would've probably been in the hospital, or worse, dead, by now.

Death isn't so bad, if you think about it. I like to think of it as a savior coming to pick you up from the hells of life. But I'm not suicidal. I know that someday I can leave this place, and things will be better. Way better.

I leave the bathroom in search of some food. I have to eat up before my dad gets here. I grab a piece of bread, and put it in the toaster. In a minute or so, it's done, and I take it out.

I'm starving. I don't really have the freedom to eat what I want in this household. I can only eat when my dad's out, and it's usually late at night. It's currently 12 AM, and my dad's probably off at a bar.

People who drink and smoke are bad people.

You can say otherwise, but that's what I think of them. Bad, bad people.

I gobble up my toast, and start looking for more food. There has to be more... somewhere around here. Maybe there's some in the cabinet? I dig through the stacks of wine, hoping to find some food. But there's nothing but alcohol.

"Fuck," I grumble. I make myself another piece of toast since I can't find anything else. The kitchen is dim lit, and for someone who's scared of the dark, it would seem like an eerie surrounding. But I'm not really scared of much.

Aside from home, I lead a pretty okay life. I go to school, get good grades, and then I go to work, and earn enough money to pay for myself.
I decide to switch on the TV for a minute.

That's when I hear a loud knock on the door. My dad wouldn't knock, he'd just barge in. Drunk, of course.

It's someone else.

"Open up you bastard!" I hear a male voice scream from outside. "You think you can cheat us, and take our money?"

Maybe they have the wrong house? "Open the door, or we're breaking in! Gene!"

Gene. That's my dad's name. They don't have the wrong house, and dad's not at home.

I'm not going to open it. Whatever they want, that's not my problem.

But at the same time, I have to at least tell them to come back later. I inch towards the door as the curse and yell for Gene to open it.

I open the door just a little. "He's not at home. Come back later," I tell them plainly.

"Who are you?" The blonde one snickers. They look like they're in their mid-twenties. What business does dad have with them? There are four of them, and they all look very intimidating, about five to six feet each.

"His daughter," I reply nonchalantly while rolling my eyes. Can they just shut up and leave? I don't have time to deal with them.

An evil smirk grows on his face. "I was thinking maybe he could pay us back with money..." He slurs. "But... you. You are a pretty girl. Give me what I want, and I'll consider the debt repaid."
My eyes widen in terror, as I attempt to shut the door as fast as possible. But a starved girl against four grown ass men is four to none. They force the door open with ease, and I'm pushed backwards.

The brunette shuts the door behind him, as I scream. The blonde punches me. "You wouldn't dare tell anyone about this, or I can easily turn your life into a living hell."


"You were a good girl," The brunette sneers, and the four guys, satisfied, leave the house. I try to get up, but I have no energy. My stomach hurts, and so does my jaw, where he punched me. It's now 3 AM.
I have to get up. But I can't, I can't move.

My body aches. I just want to get as far away from here as possible. I don't wanna live here anymore. I want to leave.

My clothes lie in a corner.

I lie on the floor.

the prologue was the same guys. and i feel terrible for doing this to her :(

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Tattoos and Scars | Completed, UneditedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu