Story of My Life (Fiction)

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A/N Well this is my first story. I really hope you all like it.

Please comment, vote, fan, or whatever.


Dear Dairy,

June 21st, 2000

      First daiy entry in my new dairy. First dairy in my life. My name is Serentina Goldie. I use to live with both parents before everything went down hill. My parents divorced and they live across country from each other. I guess they despise each other that much. Well, whatever. More about me. Im 15 years old. Im in 9th grade, and do pretty well at school. I have been on honor roll my whole life. No that doesn't make me perfect. i have flaws. Believe me! Thats all for now.




June 22nd, 2000

       The first morning in a new place is, well, scarey. My room isn't even unpacked from the move yet. It's pretty hecked around here. I looked around the white walls to my bedroom. The door to the balcony on the right hand side. Beautiful long doors with a long glass window. The wall to the left of that is bear with nothing but boxes piled up in front of it (packed full of my old room).  Then my king size bed is square in the middle of the room up against the wall to the right of the balcony doors. The oppisite wall from the balcony doors, has 2 door. One door leads to the hallyway, and the other to my walk-in closet.

      As I walk out into the halway in search of food on this beautiful morning, I  run staight into something hard.

    "Well good morning swetie. How was ur sleep?," my dad ask. I just grunt back at him, nd move past him down the staircase.

      I walked in the kitchen, My barefeet touching the hardwood floor. My stomache begain to growl. I walked over to the cuboard, and opened it. I was surpised to see it fully stocked. Dad must have been to the store while I was asleep. Oh good, he left me in this house all alone. What if I got murdered, or worse?? Stop it Serentina, your overly dramatic! Breathe!

     I picked out my favorite cereal, and went in search of a bowl. I looked high and low to find one. I then called to my dad upstairs.

      "Dad, did you unpack the bowls and spoons yet?," i yelled.

       "No, sweetie, i did not," he called back after a couple seconds. I groaned at this.

      I decided to eat the whole box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I got the milk outta the fridge. I used about half of the milk to pour over my cereal. As i walked over to the table tosit down,my dad walked in with the newspaper. He looked at me like i was crazy.

        "I'm hungry, leave me alone," I said while dumping the cereal into my mouth.

        "You couldn't find a bowl, I suppose," my dad replied.

        "I didn't look."

        "Serentina!," he gave me a look that said he was disapointed in me. I knew that look all to well. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to eating.


A/N I hope you liked the first chapter. More to come soon.      

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