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Once they arrived safely inside the town unseen,Bard helped them out of the barrels.

"Thank you."Rhiannon smiled to Bard. Thorin could feel a twinge of jealousy. As Bard lead them to his house Thorin grabbed Rhiannon's hand and smiled kindly.

"Oh so now you are being nice to me?How lovely."Rhiannon smirked.Thorin rolled his eyes and gripped her hand tighter.

"Da,our house is being watched!" Bain, Bard's oldest, exclaimed.

Bard looked around had them go into the house through the toliet.

"Da, why are there dwarfs coming out of our toilet?"Sigrid,Bard's oldest daughter, asked.

"Will they bring us luck?"the youngest Tilda asked. Rhiannon smiled at both girls and walked over to Thorin and Dwalin. Rhiannon smiled at both men and sat down on the chair closest to Thorin. Thorin smiled down at her.


"You ok Kili?" Thorin whispered.

"Yea I can manage." Kili replied as he carried the weapons down the stairs. Not long after he was almost halfway down the stairs Kili fell and made a lot of noise.Not long guards held swords at the dwarves throats.

"We found them stealing weapons,sir." Alfred told the master of Lake-town.

"Listen to Me! Everyone, you must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who have died in the firestorm? For what purpose? The blind ambition of a Mountain King, so driven by greed, he could not see beyond his own desire!"Bard yelled.

"No, no! We must, not anyone be to fit to lay blame. Let us not forget, that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor, who failed to kill the beast!"the master of Lake Town laughed.

"You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"Bard snapped

"I have the only right."Thorin snarled.The Master of Lake-Town showed them to his house and fed them a nice dinner to celebrate the return of The king Under the Mountain.

"What is a elf, of royalty no doubt, doing with a bunch of dwarves?" the master of Lake-Town asked Rhiannon.

"What concern is it of yours?" Thorin snapped. The Master of Lake-Town smirked and slowly made his way over to Rhiannon.

"Just wondering why a pretty lady like yourself is going on an adventure with these bunch of dwarves."The Master of Lake-Town smirked.He started to touch Rhiannon on the face with one hand.

"Please sir get your hands off of me!"Rhiannon growled.

"Feisty!" The Master smirked. Rhiannon swatted at him before getting up from the table and left the room. Thorin ran after her.

"Dont you ever touch her again if you would like to keep your hands."Dwalin threatened.

Before gesturing for them all to leave the room.

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