Chapter 23

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Vivian P.O.V

The shower was relaxing but I was not able to fully enjoy it since my spirit was uneasy about the impending war my father was starting. I felt guilty I wanted to go to him so that he can know that I'm still alive and kicking. I don't want innocent people dying in my name, the thought of that happening made my stomach twist and my heart feels like someone is chopping it into tinny little pieces.

I got out of the shower, towel-dried myself, and then I applied some oil that smelled like an Egyptian rose. The oil smelled amazing but when I took a closer look into it I saw tiny purple specks in it.

I remembered that it was not there yesterday nor that morning and there was no way anyone could have brought it there without me knowing.

Suspicion grew inside me and I emptied the bottle contents into the sink,immediately it eats up the sink bowel like some form of acid. I was startled by the sudden horrific spectacle in front of me and I quickly stepped back.I called Arlick because now I was completely confused and afraid.

He came rushing and I pointed at the sink, he moved closer towards it and smelled the acid. The acid substance was now turning into black freaky color and emitting black smoke.

"This is a poison, should you have not noticed the green specks and applied it on your skin. It would have burned your skin raw."

"How did the poison get here, didn't you say that this place was safe and no one knew about it".

I was shaking, now there was a new development in our plan. Someone knew about me, who ever they were knew where I was. I looked around the bathroom as if I would have found the perpetrator hiding somewhere, I knew the action was useless if not stupid but I did it instinctively.

Caldrin came inside the bathroom, he must have heard all the noise from me and Alrick. He took one look at the sink and his whole demeanor changed, he looked like he had just witnessed a haunting. I knew instantly that he knew something about the poison, I gave him a look to indicate that it was the perfect time to spill the beans, I didn't feel Iike Interogating him again since my 'mate' didn't certify my interogation methods.

"Lord Alrick I suspect that this is the work of a Demon. Only they have the magic to enter this place and also this poison has their signature".

"And why would a Demon kill my mate Elf, They are my allies unless this is the work of a reaper assigned to her world. And whatever it is I should start at this moment to pray to its fucken maker because when I catch it, No God nor creature in all the realms will be able to help it.

I was beyond confused because again I was clueless about what they were talking about. I hated the fact that I didn't yet infer enough about this world and the different kinds of creatures that belong to it.

Everything in Otherworld happened dangerously fast and to make it worse shit was wierd , unlike back on earth where things were normal and people were actually regular humans.

Everything and every step you took could be your last and that's what seeded panic in the deepest depths of my bones, moments of peace were nothing but shadows in the past and moments of joy were rare and shortlived. My new normal was a true nightmare.

I was tired of everything, I didn't want to hide anymore since it was now obviously useless, so I kept my mouth shut, went back to the bedroom and got myself dressed as quickly as I possibly could. With whatever limited clothing I had to my avail in my fancy hideout.

Alrick and his Elf were discussing something in the bathroom while I was getting ready to get the hell out of that damned mirror. I didn't care anymore about the Dragon's finding me, what I cared about was stoping my father on his war tracks and maybe if I'm lucky spend the rest of my life fighting for me and My mates God given right to live freely.

After what seemed like hours of whispering in the bathroom, My mate and his Butler came out and told me to follow them out of the mirror and back to the castle. I walked behind them and they were quiteThe short time I spent in the mirror things managed to spiral out of control and I just wanted a break.

A break from every thing and somehow I knew that things were only going to get worse from now. I could feel my souls unrest.

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