Chapter Seven - In the unlikely event. . .

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"It didn't turn out very good." Yuui sighed, looking at Jacks tattoo that I had let them help me with. "Akito fucked his part up." Daiki noted, pointing to the red haired boys section. "Did not! I copied Chiro's!" Akito yelled back, motioning back and fourth to mine and his parts. "You all suck." Jack huffed, breathing heavily as the process of the tattooing is quite painful. "Don't be such a baby. It's a honor to get this tattooing done by the master herself." Akito snapped at the boy, looking like he wanted to kill him. I patted the red head on the shoulder and shook my head, not wanting him to start a fight right now. "Well, that was the hard part. The next is to make sure this thing heals properly." I said, bending down so that I was eye level with Jack. The boy lowered his gaze and bent his head down, me just patting him on the head affectionately. "I think I am going to like this." I said with a grin, Akito frowning somewhat at my comment. "Ah, you have an incoming call." Lief said, flashing me my phone. "Speaker please." I said, the youngest nodding and answering it. "Hello?" I asked. "Chihiro, you're late." Kasamatsu's voice said. "Chihiroicchi!!" Kise screamed, our captain quickly snapping at him, probably also kicking him. I sighed, remembering that we are supposed to be having a strategy meeting for our upcoming game with Shutoku. "Gomen. I got caught up with some things, but how about we gather at the park. I have some things to show you." I replied, me looking at my friends. "We're gonna do this today?" Daiki asked. "Who's that?" Kasamatsu automatically asked, his voice shining in curiosity. "You'll see. I'll be down in fifteen." I said, Lief hanging up for me. "We're all going?" Yuui asked curiously, her eye glimmering with excitement. I nodded and prodded Jack to get up. This will be lots of fun, hopefully, Jack knows how to handle a ball.

"You guys are late." I said to my team, passing the ball off to Yuui. "Says the one who was late for our meeting in the first place, that we hardly even started." Kobori told me with a slight disapproving look. I flashed him a peace sign, knowing he wouldn't be mad for long. "Chihiroicchi!" Kise called, hugging me as soon as he was in reach. "I just saw you last night." I told the blond kitty, him purring and rubbing his head against mine. "Gross." Jack commented, pulling Kise off me. The blond gave Jack a curious stare, wondering who he is. "Right, I should introduce everyone." I sighed, pulling Jack to my side. The others didn't want me to bring him along, but I thought this would be a good time to have him bond with us. "These are some close friends of mine: Haru, Ashe, Daiki, Jack, Akito, Kaito, Yuui and Leif. They are going to help us today." My team nodded and gave them all polite bows. "This is Kaijo's basketball team, consisting of Kobori, Kasamatsu, Kise, Moriyama and Kawahara. We have a few first years, but I'd like to focus on these guys." "You think they can help us?" Kise asked with a raised eyebrow. "What did you just say?" Akito asked, Haru holding him back. "I suppose we are just skeptical." Kasamatsu said, shaking his head at the way Kise had phrased it, although our captain didn't do a better job in my opinion. "We're not the type to lose." The quiet Ashe said, looming over Kawahara. "Neither are we." Kobori replied, pulling our loud member back before he could start getting riled up. I held my hand out for the ball and Yuui placed it in my hands and I dribbled it about. I think that they are underestimating us a little; I never said that it would be easy for either team.

"What the hell." I heard Kasamatsu curse under his breath, him leaning on his knees and wiping the sweat from off his forehead. "You tired there? Captain." Jack teased, him fully engaged in the game. His skills are just as I thought; he was obviously a spy because of his wide range of vision. He's similar to Takao on Shutoku's team, however, his vision is much better than Hawk eye. More like an owl perhaps in the sense that he can practically see in a three sixty circle around himself and to quite a distance. Kaito chuckled, him also enjoying this game of 'tag'. Kaito is very nimble on his feet and is able to easily keep up with Kise. I hate to admit it, but my gang is in much better shape than my team. "I didn't think you'd give us this big of challenge." Kise told me, looking at the others with watchful eyes, trying to gauge how he can beat them. "Is this harder than facing me?" I asked. "No, but close to it. They are all elites that is for sure." Kise replied. "That's right pretty boy, eat your words." Akito trash talked, him barely sweating. "You're not as good as Chihiroicchi." Kise said, sticking his tongue out at the red head. "I could totally beat her." Akito said with that stupid confidence of his. "I'd like to see you try." Yuui scoffed. "Pass the ball." I said, holding my hand out to Kobori who handed off the ball to me. "You're in for some trouble." Moriyama said, him and the others stepping off the court to give me some room. I pointed to Jack and then lunged forwards, getting right in his face. His eyes widened but he moved to try to keep up with me. I brought the ball under my legs as Akito had gone to snatch it from me, but it was too bad for him that I am not going to let him win. I kept close to Jack, maneuvering around the others with ease before lobbing the ball up into the basket. "Dammit." Jack cursed, me patting him on the back. He flinched slightly as he's still sore from the markings, but didn't make too much of a fuss. "Did you get it?" I asked the team, Kasamatsu shaking his head. "Takao Kazunari on Shutoku's team, has Hawk eye. How is this kid similar?" I asked, motioning to Jack. "He also has a broad field of vision." "Yes and how did I prevent him from moving the way he wanted?" I asked, tossing Moriyama a cookie as a 'job well done' for paying attention "Kept close?" Koibori asked. I tossed him a cookie. "Players like Takao and Izuki are good at choosing the correct path, predicting and calculating the most accurate play. Why are they good at this? Because of their range of eye sight. Jack here is a bit more special. He can see a greater distance than both Izuki and Takao, however, the concept of their flaw is all the same." I pulled Jack towards my team members and motioned for them to watch carefully. "How well can you see me right now?" I asked Jack, me taking a step forwards and keeping close to him. "Okay. You're a bit blurry." He replied smoothly, his eyes watching me though, wondering what I am getting at. "Alright, now Kaito, go jump around in the background and you Jack, keep an eye on me as best you can while watching him too." I ordered, the boys nodding at their instructions. I didn't take me long to find my opening while I was this close, me taking a simple step to the side and hiding behind Kasamatsu. "Oi." Jack said suddenly, realizing I was gone. I laughed and stepped out, looking to my team. "I think I see." Kise said, nodding his head up and down. "So what you're saying is; is to find our opening. . . I get the concept, but can you explain why this works?" Kasamatsu asked me, wanting greater detail. "People with broad vision tend to shift their gaze more towards those farther away than those closer to them; as it is easier to watch and trace the movements of someone who is inches from you. So, this concept will help us lots with Shutoku's Takao, as he will probably be targeting Kii - Kun or Kasamatsu - Senpai." I explained, Koibori giving me a good pat on the back. "Our strategist is amazing." Kawahara said, slowly as I'd asked him to pronounce his words better when we're not in game. "Midori - Kun will know this though, so we're going to have to be careful; his long shots are a pain and not all of you can haul yourself up on top of the basket like I can, although, I think I have an idea as to how to stop it." "Aish, alright. Let's do this then." Kasamatsu said, stretching out his limbs. This will be a rather exciting match, we'll be ready to face them.

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