Drowning in Your Honey

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Let Me Drown In Your Honey

'She changed my mind...' the words he had said to Maggie still echoed in his mind. During the moment he wasn't sure why he had felt the need to tell her but maybe because it had something to do with the fact he wanted Maggie to know. To know that he cared.

The past few weeks had passed by quickly. Going on runs and being placed on watch at the wall. September came and went. With each day that passed, Daryl couldn't forget the buzzing kiss he and Beth shared. Awkwardly not sure what to say to her, he did what he does best. Keep to himself.

The flickering sound of a match sizzled between Daryl's thumb and pointer finger. Using his other hand to protect the flame against the cool breeze he lifted the flame towards the slightly bent cigarette perched between his thin lips. With a small airy sound followed by the faint familiar scent of smoke, Daryl flicked his wrist and watched the light fade into a whisper.

Inhaling the smoke he squinted down the street while he sat upon steps to an empty house. It was after all where he was found most often if he wasn't out on a run or if he wasn't eating. For some they all kept on calling it his, but it sure didn't feel like anything he'd ever own.

Peeling the bud from his mouth, he blew a stream of smoke down and out as he continued to keep watch. He could see Carl leaning over a fence towards little Edith in what looks like an attempt to be smooth.

Daryl chuckled to himself while Carl managed to pull a laugh out of the girl. Taking another puff of his cigarette, he looked to the right down the road where he saw Rick holding Judith on his hip while talking to Maggie. When Glenn walked up behind her he slipped his arms around her waist making her smile.

He pulled the now used bud and smashed it against the step beside him blowing out a final puff of smoke. Reaching down beside him, he grabbed his crossbow and made his way down the road as everyone started to make their way to the chapel for Sunday church.

With a slight frown of his brow he reached of to run his beard before looking around. Everyone was pretty much accounted for aside from one person. Beth.

Daryl exhaled slightly before deciding to headed towards Beth's house. Once there he climbed the two steps and gave a small knock.

"Ya in there Green?" He called out.

When there had been no response he walked towards the right of the door and peered in the window, raising his hand to block out his reflection. Nothing. Everything looked normal.

A sudden wave of worry pushed him forward back towards the door. With a slight hesitation he paused, pacing slightly back and forth in front of the door. After a moment, he decided to go in as he turned the knob and walked right in. Once he made his way inside he closed the door behind him looking around the room. Her boots were still by the door so she hadn't left just yet. Instinctively he had his finger resting upon the trigger of his crossbow as he ventured farther into the house. The smell of cookies leading him to believe maybe she was in the kitchen.

"Damnit..." Daryl instantly knew that voice as he looked to his left down the hall into the kitchen. The familiar shinning blonde hair loosely curled spilling down her back while she wore what he assumed was a flowing yellow dress.

What he found rather amusing was the fact that she was standing on the what looked to be a step stool looking up on her tiptoes. He couldn't exactly see what she was doing so he walked into the kitchen and set his crossbow down beside three plates filled with cookies. Maybe close to four dozen or so.

When she huffed loudly slightly fidgeting with something in front of her as he watched from behind. Not realizing he'd been right out staring, he felt his cheeks began to feel slightly warmer than normal. Swallowing the feeling, he awkwardly walked closer towards her. It had been a good minute before she realized Daryl was standing there.

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