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I looked around the crowded airport until my eyes landed on the person waving wildly.  

"Hey Mom," I smiled when she reached me. Without replying, she just yanked me into a tight hug.  

"Um, Mom? Can't breathe," I choked, making her let go of me, "Where's Dad?" 

She waved her hand dismissively to her left, gesturing to my annoyed looking father - but let's be honest, when wasn't he annoyed?  

He huffed, dropping the four bags at my feet, "Did you have to bring all this garbage? We're only here for three days."  

"I know that, Clark, but I can't skip my new skin care regimen for three days," Mom explained patiently, as if to a five year old. I hid my snigger behind my palm before picking up one of the bags.  

"Come on, there's a cab waiting to take you to the hotel."  

Mom walked ahead of us while Dad walked right beside me. 

"Don't think I didn't hear you laugh. You're not the one who has to deal with her beauty routines," Dad tossed me a glare as we stepped out into the humidity. 

"You still love her though."  

The crinkles around his eyes softened as he glanced at Mom, "That I do." 


 My eyes flitted around my room of four years. It was empty now, save for the bare bed and the packed boxes. I'd spent a good three hours last week alphabetising the books in them. 

Pulling on my robe, I adjusted my black dress under it. Looking in the mirror, I touched up my red lipstick before picking the cap off my bed. A few seconds later, I sighed as I tried to make it sit neatly on my head. 

The effort was wasted however, when the door opened so suddenly, it hit the wall on the inside with a bang. 

"Jesus-fuck! Don't do that!" I yelped in surprise, dropping the cap. 

"Sawyer, I can't do this. What if I trip? What if I stutter? Oh god, what if I pass out? Do you realized how fucking embarrassing that would be?" Julie rambled, looking mortified. 

Leaving the cap on the ground, I stepped closer to my roommate and best friend. Putting my hands on her shoulder, I looked her in the eye, "Breathe, Julie. Deep breaths, come on."  

She repeated the action and once she'd calmed down, I pulled out my phone and called my only other friend here in NJ. Yeah, I have two friends. It's an improvement to be honest.


"Hey, Rick. You're girlfriend's here and she's freaking out," I informed him. He chuckled when Julie called out ' I was freaking out but I'm done now'.

"Tell her I'll be there in a few," Rick said before hanging up. I repeated the message to her, making her face light up with a smile. 

"I can't believe we're graduating. It feels like just yesterday you walked in here, all moody looking." 

"I do not look moody," I protested, shooting her a glare. 

"Sure you don't," a deep voice came from behind me, signalling Rick's arrival.  

"Hey, Babe," He walked past me and over to Julie and dropped a kiss on her lips. Before it could turn into a total make out session, I clapped my hands together loudly, startling them. 

The Pillow Talk Pact - One Shot EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now