When you can't sleep (Lord Garmadon oneshot/scenerio)

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A/N: don't ask where or when this takes place, I honestly don't know, I'm just gay. I'm also a lil rusty, I haven't written in a while. Image made by me! -mod Skales

It's well past the middle of the night, and despite the hour, you were still awake. You glanced at Lord Garmadon, who slept soundly beside you. You just didn't understand how he got to sleep so quickly. You never did, but recently, it's been worse. Nothing worked. Your body just... wouldn't let you sleep.

Your gaze left him as you tried to clear your head. Staring at the ceiling blankly, you willed yourself to get tired. You don't. The knowledge that it wouldn't work barely softened the frustration. Squinting your eyes shut, you breathed out a sigh- it's louder than intended, abrupt and harsh, breaking the silence in the room. You went still, hoping you didn't wake the man beside you.

The little grumble that sounded from him dashed your hopes. He rubbed his eyes, his other pair of arms moving to hug you closer to himself. Blinking sleepily at you, he frowned. "You're still up?"

"... yeah. I haven't been able to."

He blinked at you, his frown just deepening as they took in how exhausted you looked. "For how long?"

At your silence, a rare look of concern crossed his face. He sat up, maneuvering you so that your head was in his lap. "No wonder you've been a little distant lately," he murmured.

"I'm used to it," you replied, letting out a soft sigh. "It's been like this for years."

Garmadon seemed to think for a moment. "My mother used to sing songs to me before I went to sleep," he told you, rubbing your shoulder with one hand. "I'll sing one for you. To see if it'll help."

You nodded, shifting to get comfortable and drawing your blanket back up to your shoulders.
They watched you for a few moments before looking away, closing his eyes as he recalled the lyrics.

"There's a place where lovers go," he sang, "to cry their troubles away..."

You had never actually heard him sing before. His voice was still gravelly with sleep, and considering how rusty he sounded, he clearly hadn't sung in a while, but it was calming nonetheless. Lord Garmadon continued rubbing your shoulder as he kept singing, his gaze focused on the wall across the room.

"And they call it lonesome town, where the broken hearts stay..."

As they continued on with the song, you finally felt your eyelids grow heavy. Closing your eyes, you slowly began drifting off.

By the time Garmadon finished the song, you were asleep. He kept rubbing your shoulder, humming softly to himself until he, too, found himself drifting off against the headboard.

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