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   Leaving the Alpha astray on Conor's pack-territory, Janice and I quickly make it through the tangled vines and outgrowth, towards the clearing. It would have been easier to just get to the portal directly if the stupid chucho* hadn't interfered, because now, we have to take the longer and more obstructed route.

   You know, we're here rotting with you, too. You don't see US complaining, do you? Valencia adds. "Sometimes, I wish I had an off-button designed especially for you, Valencia", I reply. Don't be like that, Gillian says nonchalantly.

   "Who're you talking to?" Valencia and I say to Gill in unison. Gillian looks at the both of us and smirks. Both of you kids. I look away, not bothering to reply, and from the corner of my eye, I see Valencia doing the same.

   "Uh, RiRi?" Janice interrupts me before I zone out into my imaginary alternate mental-dimension where I would have eventually slaughtered Gillian. "Yeah?" I ask innocently, batting my eyelids twice just to add an effect. "If you're done talking to Vallie and Gill..." She breaks off, expecting a response from me.

   "Oh God, was I being loud?" I ask, clearly embarrassed because I know I was. She doesn't give a yes-or-no answer. Instead, she throws a chunk of sarcasm at me, "And you wonder why you don't have friends." I ignore her. What is it, piss-off-Andy day? I hate everyone.

   We all walk in silence after that. The silence is getting sort of uncomfortable, partially because all of us know just how talkative we all are, and not being able to talk is one of our weakest points. I think of excuses to engage conversation. I am currently filtering my mind when-

   SMILES? HEY, SMILES? CAN YOU HEAR ME? SMILES? HELL-O? EARTH TO SMILES? SMILEY? I hear Connor over the mind-link : one question after another, without even a second's pause. I can hear you just fine, Con! I practically yell at him, not aloud this time however. From afar, I see Vallie and Gill obstructing their ears. What did you want to talk about? I ask Connor, knowing he's probably called to tell me something important. WELL, YOUR ALPHA IS GOING TO BE DEAD IN JUST ABOUT 6 MINUTES. DO YOU WISH TO ARRANGE A FUNERAL FOR HIM, DEAR MAIDEN? OR WOULD YOU PREFER TO AWARE THE VILLAGE? I knit my eyebrows in annoyance. Okay, one: Don't call me that. Two: no. Tres: 6 minutes? I thought you were better than that! I smirk, knowing he's going to have a hard time competing with that. HMPH! That's the last and only thing I hear him say. He breaks the mind-link.

   "Who was it, this time?" Janice asks, walking beside me. Well, atleast there's some conversation, now. "It was Con", I reply, "says he's going to cream Ross". She looks at me with a glint in her eyes and says, "Wanna wager on that?" Unsure of who's side I should take, I let her continue. "I'm taking your Alpha's side", she adds. "Wait, what? Why do you get to take his side?" I open my mouth to just let the words effuse without a filter.

   "O-kay, I thought you hated him but if you want to-" I cut Janice off. "I do hate him. I just like going first." She smirks and adds, "And winning. Don't forget winning. You love winning." Truthfully, I do. There hasn't been a bet I've lost. Well, okay, there have been some. But most of the times, I win. And no, my perfect, bullseye-hitting sixth-sense has nothing to do with it.

   We finally reach the Taxia integrifonda bush. As I bend down to move the bush aside, my eardrum vibrates with the frequency of the feral growl echoing in the air. "Oh, shoot! That's your guy. He's winning", Janice says with a slight smirk. Sitting on the ground, I tilt my head upwards to look at her, and say nonchalantly, "Nah, he's probably just craving Cheerio's." She laughs in response, "LOL. Poor kid, we've been torturing him with that episode since the third grade." I raise my right eyebrow, "Duh because he totally deserves it."

   A circuit of growls and roars reverberates all around. Not even bothering to acknowledge who wins or not, Janice and I take an advancing look at the portal. Its ellipsoidal rim glows with a bright-hued blue - almost like flaming methane.

   Holding hands, we jump into the abysmal hole whilst thinking of Chicago - our destination. Boarding Arestare isn't easy. Any being, who has to either enter or leave it, has to acquire permission from the Brass Régime first, then, it has to be approved by the Order.

   This law is only ignored in the case of a fresh magic-borne who requires awareness in immediacy, and stumbles into Arestare uncontrollably. Well, there are other exceptions, too : illegal ones, like us. I once saw a line graffitied on a shop-shutter : Rules are meant to be broken. Well, no doubt about it. I never wanted to enter Arestare and be a part of its horror. Even inside, I know I just don't belong here and wanted to be back at home but once someone enters its premises, they need a digestible excuse to be let outside. Needless to say, not fitting in wasn't a good alibi.

   It took me months. I fell many times; got in trouble, detention but I persevered and still kept failing. This is why I'm with these guys : Janice and Melissa. They're the ones who were also working on a way out, separately. Together, we retraced our path to Earth. However, setting up a portal and yet, keeping it open all the while wasn't easy. We needed help and expansion. This is where Connor came in.

   Not only did he help us hide the soi-disant portals on his territory but he was nice enough to sneak into foreign territories to do the same. Well, I mean, why wouldn't he? Afterall, I am his best-friend - have been since we met in kindergarten; before we got our powers - well, he had but I didn't know about them then. Yeah, the bestest of friends - practically homies - when life just didn't give so many sour lemons, before we ever set foot on Arestare.


*chucho = mutt

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