a Perfect Love Story

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From the crack of your look,

and I gasp at the brown stare.

It lures me into that touch,

that bliss that leaves my heart bare.

To the scratch of your smirk,

the lines that run through

where the years had kissed 

and the rain ends a wonderous hue.

I am here,

no place another 

nor wanting to be.

'Tis where my dark's underneath

and the hymns I have to sing

I am where my love takes me

to her orchard of kisses

and kisses I should reap

from the chamber of visage

of beauty at her midst.

I am only what my love sees me

if her words say be

and I shall, and I will

for I must and I'll live.

And I pray at the turn,

where the sands are the time

and it's the end of the line,

I pray to have lived,

more than I had recieved 

to be where my love is

to be what my love sees

until love becomes, Behold!

I had loved yet had died

of what use, if not lie

this chance though I'm glad

to be hers, and now mine.

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