Little black collar

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It was a rainy day, light showers hitting my tiny umbrella as I jumped over potholes.

One step, two step.

"April honey come inside you'll catch a cold. I told you not to go outside," my mum yelled from a window.

I frowned as I watched my sister run into the house not looking back once.

I couldn't believe it. I was envious of my sister's scolding.

I deeply wished my parents cared enough about me to scold me like that. We were both out in the rain yet April was their only worry.

Well then, I was going to stay out in the rain until I actually caught a cold. Then they can blame theirselves.

I ran out into the rain, playing in the forest. That was when I heard it.

A cry.

I followed the light sniffle till I reached a tree.

I took a few steps forward. Then I saw him. He was sitting alone in the rain knees bent, crying.

I did something I wouldn't normally do. I brought my umbrella over his head to block the rain.

Why did I do that?

He only looked up at me with big blue eyes. "What are you doing?"

"keeping you from getting wet. "

He paused like he was confused. "Why would you that for me?"

Yeah, why did I do that for him?

"Because I want to."

He smiled at me, "thank you."

Thank you? Like a sign of appreciation. I did something worth appreciation!

Now I know how April feels.

I stretched my arms, "I'm July, like the month July. What's your name?"

He sniffed getting up. "Jake."

"Okay, Jake, why are you all alone. What happened?"

He froze like that question burned through him like a flaming sword.

He bit his lips, "I-I.. " suddenly he did something I least expected.

He hugged me.

There I was standing like a fool in the rain, getting hugged by a complete stranger. Yet I felt something new, something warm in my heart.

Tears gushed out of my eyes and I didn't know why.

Was it because I was freezing and my legs were cold? Or was it because he was the first one to hug me with something I never had before.



Darkmist Prison


It was time.

It was finally time to face the punishment of a crime that I didn't even commit.

Now I wish that I really committed the crime.

As much as I hated going to work in a prison solely to die, what I hated even more was this stupid oversized maid uniform.

I couldn't remember the last time I wore something over the length of my knee.

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