"Do Robots Have Dicks?" -Kiibo x Reader *PART 1*

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Art by Riyuta on Deviantart


Part length: 2.5k words

It was a lovely afternoon after a long morning of working, and light poured down on the café as y/n, Shuichi, and Kiibo engaged in a pleasant conversation, laughing and chatting playfully while basking in the relaxing afternoon air. The pleasant aromas of the surrounding greenery and flowers mingled in the air, complimenting each other with the essence of a springtime love. The scent on the draft embraced y/n's personality as she spoke, and the shine of the lights above them mirrored the radiance of her smile as she spoke.

"Gosh, it's so nice in here today! The atmosphere here in the café is so nice, and it feels even better to have such relaxed people with me," y/n exclaimed brightly, smiling at her peers who were seated beside and across from her.

"I must agree," began Kiibo, who sat beside her. "This morning was so productive, and just relaxing with you feels amazing..." He turned ever so slightly to look at y/n, who sat just to his right. He had grown quite fond of her during their time together at Hope's Peak, and he always found himself especially happy in her presence. They always tried to do their assigned tasks together in the morning, and he just felt at ease around her...well, mostly.

"I must say, y/n", Shuichi started, "I saw you working extra hard today on cleaning the library. What even happened there to cause such a mess?"

As y/n and Shuichi started talking about the library, Kiibo began to think to himself. "Miu noticed that I was fidgeting a lot in y/n's presence, and I'm even doing it now with my hands in my lap! She said that it was love, but I'm just not sure. She's practically my best friend, how could that happen? Oh, but she's so pretty... and I could never betray her with such selfish desires... unless she were to feel the same way- oh, no, don't be foolish and get your hopes up-"

His thoughts were interrupted by the familiar tone of y/n's voice. "Earth to Kiibo? You ok? You seemed spaced out there..."

"Oh, I'm quite alright," Kiibo sheepishly said, snapping back into reality, setting his hands awkwardly on the table in front of him so as not to fidget.

"If there's anything on your mind," y/n began to inquire, setting her hand over his, "please don't hesitate to tell us, ok?"

Kiibo nodded, a feverish blush spreading across his hand as he smiled and chuckled nervously, y/n returning his smile herself.

"You two sure are close," Shuichi began to inquire, gently raising a hand to his chin pensively, "if I didn't know better, I'd think you were a couple or something."

Before the two teens had a chance to react to Shuichi's comment, a loud voice pierced the gentle quiet of the room.


"Kokichi, stop it!!" Y/n exclaimed, turning around and frowning at the purple-haired boy as he strutted into the room with cockiness exuding from his step.

Kiibo sighed and turned around to face the short teen, his arms crossed across his metallic chest. "Kokichi, must you always bother us when we are relaxing?"

"Of course I do," Kokichi began with a gremlin-like energy gleaming in his eyes. "It's hilarious to watch Kiibo sit here with a foot in his damn mouth!"

"Excuse me-"

"You liiiiiiiiiiiiike her!" Kokichi singsonged, interrupting his robotic peer before he had the chance to object.

"She's just my friend, leave us alone!"

"Us? If cute little y/n does like you, she does a good job of hiding it! You on the other hand are awful at it!" Kokichi started to chortle at his own remark, and Shuichi started to cringe.

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