Chapter 4

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"H-hey...," I stammered as I backed away. "I'm just gonna step out for some--," 

"Nu-uh, you aren't," he said and shot out an arm to grab me and drag me to the chair. "You just sit right here and I'll get you ready." 

"Hey!" I protested and made to get right back up, but he slammed me down again and stretched a rough hand over my throat. His eyes locked on mine and I felt myself shrink back as much to distance myself from his piercing gaze as to make a little breathing room for my neck.

"I said to sit. Right. There." 

 "Why? Why would I do that. I'm not gonna just -- hey!" My breathless protests were silenced by the cold sting of a needle. I turned my head in shock and watched as he slid a cold, steel needle a little further into my arm. His finger depressed the syringe pump and something cold slithered down.

Shit no. A cold, stunning shock passed through my body and then the world dulled around me. "No," I breathed out. "Don't do this. Help me, somebody. Please, let me go!" I struggled as best I could but whatever he had given me a shot of was strong, and I had already lost control over myself. Inside, I was panicking but outside, my eyelids drooped and my head lulled to the side. No, no, no! I have to stay alert! I have to! He's gonna-- he's gonna....

I had drifted into an uneasy drowsy, unconscious state. When the world around me disappeared, I knew that I had fallen asleep, but I didn't feel asleep. Everything was vividly dark and cold and I felt a presence outside. . . inside. Everywhere. I could faintly hear things happening at the edge of my hearing, presumably in the 'real' world. I felt the touch of needles, but they were just gentle brushes. It didn't hurt, or, not physically. The pain came from inside. It was a coldness of sorts, and I felt it spread within me. I struggled but it was no use. Evil, darkness; it was suffocating. 

Things started echoing in my head and my fingers tingled and my skin prickled and my heart pounded. Stop. Stop it. Get it out. Don't do this. No.

"I told you no!" 

Through the blurry haze that had set over me, the sounds of two voices arguing began to define themselves. I recognized the distinctive smooth voice of Darien, though it was louder and sharper this time, and the rough, harsh voice of Kane. 

"This is why I can't put you in charge of things! You--" 

"What? What?" Kane interrupted him brusquely. "Think about it! When a chance like this comes along, no one passes it up, except for you. Now I don't care what you're in charge of; I'm going to make sure your ridiculous morals don't get in the way of the whole team!" 

"You do things too rashly! She wasn't going anywhere, you could have, I mean should, have discussed it first! Did you think about any repurcussions we would be dealing with? Nope! Of course not! That's why I can't--"

"Put me in charge? Because I 'think rashly'? No. What I do is get things done. What you do. . . well, you don't really do anything. And do you know why? It's--" 

"Stop cutting me off!! Last time we were invaded it was your fault and I'll bet you the next time is going to be your fault, too. Do you know what you just did? An imbalance like that is basically you setting off a flare for everyone to know exactly what you're up to! Because of you, we probably just lost this 'opportunity', so don't talk to me about getting things done." 

"Hey, hey," I said wearily. "Shut up, will you?" The shouting was making my already pounding head even more unbearable. I slowly blinked my eyes open, but the light made me uncomfortable and I didn't open my eyes past a crack. I could see the colors and the silhouettes of Damien and Kane. They glanced once at each other, and then Kane left the room, obviously still angry. 

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